| Adam Carr's Election Archive
Victorian state election, 2018
Macedon District
North of Melbourne: Daylesford, Gisborns, Kyneton, Macedon, Woodend
Federal seats: Parts of Ballarat,
Bendigo and
Legislative Council: Northern Victoria Region
Local government areas: All of Macedon Ranges, parts of Hepburn, Melton, Moorabool and Mount Alexander
Enrolment 2014 election: 41,580
Enrolment 2018 election: 45,491 (up 9.4%)
Sitting member:
Mary-Anne Thomas: Elected 2014
2010 Labor majority over Liberal: 1.3
2014 Labor majority over Liberal: 3.8
Status: Very marginal Labor
2014 results
Amanda Millar Liberal Party |
Ralf Thesing Australian Greens |
Mary-Anne Thomas Australian Labor Party |
Tony O'Brien (Democratic Labour Party)
Rob Bakes (Independent)
Mary-Anne Thomas (Australian Labor Party)
Ruth Parramore (Animal Justice Party)
Amanda Millar (Liberal Party)
Ralf Thesing (Australian Greens)
Macedon District
Macedon was created in 2002, largely replacing the former seat of Gisborne, which dated back to 1967. It extends from
Gisborne and Riddells Creek, now close to the fringes of Melbourne, north west to Daylesford and Hepburn Springs, and also
takes in Kyneton, Romsey and Woodend. These picturesque goldfields towns are all being colonised by Melbourne exiles,
and Daylesford has a substantial gay and lesbian population. This has made the seat more urban in its orientation than
its locatioon would suggest. Daylesford and Kyneton vote heavily Labor, while Gisborne and Lancefield have remained
Gisborne was a safe Liberal seat throughout most of its history, being held by Liberal minister Tom Reynolds
from 1979 to 1999. When Reynolds retired, the Liberals tried to parachute Legislative Council member and minister
Rob Knowles into the seat, but he was unexpectedly defeated in Steve Bracks's sweep of Victorian regional seats at the
1999 election. Labor members Joanne Duncan and Mary-Anne Thomas have held the seat (renamed Macedon in 2002) since.
Mary-Anne Thomas, Labor MLA for Macedon since 2014, was a ministerial adviser and senior public servant, as well as
an executive with the National Australia Bank, before entering politics. She became a parliamentary secretary in 2014 and
is now Cabinet Secretary.
The Liberal candidate is Amanda Millar, who has worked in human resources and workplace relations. She was
briefly MLC for Northern Victoria 2013-14. The Greens candidate is Ralf Thesing, whose occupation is not stated.
Boundaries following 2014 redistricting:

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