| Adam Carr's Election Archive
Victorian state election, 2018
Shepparton District
Northern Victoria: Barmah, Nathalia, Numurkah, Shepparton, Tatura
Federal seats: Part of Nicholls (formerly Murray)
Legislative Council: Northern Victoria Region
Local government areas: Parts of Greater Shepparton and Moira
Enrolment 2014 election: 46,190
Enrolment 2018 election: 48,765 (up 5.6%)
Sitting member:
Suzanna Sheed (Independent): Elected 2014
2010 Nationals majority over Labor: 26.0
2014 Independent majority over Nationals: 2.6
Status: Very marginal Independent over Nationals
2014 results
Nickee Freeman Australian Greens |
Cheryl Hammer Liberal Party |
Bill Heath Australian Labor Party |
Peter Schwarz The Nationals |
Suzanna Sheed Independent |
Suzanna Sheed (Independent)
Peter Schwarz (The Nationals)
Murray Willaton (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers)
Bill Heath (Australian Labor Party)
Nickee Freeman (Australian Greens)
Cheryl Hammer (Liberal Party)
Shepparton District
Shepparton was created in 1945, the town of Shepparton having previously been part of the Goulburn Valley seat.
In 1955 it was abolished by being absorbed into the seat of Murray Valley, but in 1967 it reappeared. The seayt now
runs north from Shepparton to the Murray, taking in Mooroopna, Nathalia and Numurkah.
Regardless of
what seat Shepparton has been in, it has been an important regional centre in northern Victoria since the 19th
century. The Goulburn Valley is one of Victoria's richest agricultural areas. It was one of the earliest strongholds
of the Country Party, and was represented by the party's state leader, Sir John McDonald from 1936 to 1955.
Peter Ross-Edwards was elected for the revived Shepparton in 1967 and was leader of the Country Party
(now called the Nationals) from 1970 to 1988. He was succeeded by two more Nationals members, until the shock loss
of the seat to an independent at the 2014 election.
Suzanna Sheed, independent MLA for Shepparton since 2014, was a family law lawyer in Shepparton before her
election. She polled less than a third of the vote at that election, but scooped up most of the preferences from Labor,
the Greens and minor candidates. Independent members in country seats are hard to defeat once elected, so she must be
favoured to win again in 2018.
The Nationals candidate is Peter Schwarz, a grain and sheep farmer at Numurkah. The Liberal candidate Cheryl Hammer is a
journalist and businesswoman. Labor's Bill Heath is a farmer at Tatura. The Greens' Nickee Freeman is a businesswoman.
Boundaries following 2014 redistricting:

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