| Adam Carr's Election Archive
Victorian state election, 2018
Geelong District
Geelong area: Belmont, Geelong, Geelong West, Newcomb, Whittington
Federal seats: Part of Corio
Legislative Council: Western Victoria Region
Local government areas: Part of Greater Geelong
Enrolment 2014 election: 45,026
Enrolment 2018 election: 47,575 (up 5.7%)
Sitting member:
Christine Couzens (Labor): Elected 2014
2010 Labor majority over Liberal: 2.1
2014 Labor majority over Liberal: 6.0
Status: Marginal Labor
2014 results
Christine Couzens Australian Labor Party |
Freya Fidge Liberal Party |
Lois Newman Australian Greens |
Freya Fidge (Liberal Party)
Jacki Jacka (Animal Justice Party)
Gottfried Wolf (Independent)
Stephen Juhasz (Independent)
Sarah Hathaway (Victorian Socialists)
Lois Newman (Australian Greens)
Christine Couzens (Australian Labor Party)
Darryn Lyons (Independent)
Geelong District
Boundaries following 2014 redistricting:

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