| Adam Carr's Election Archive
Victorian state election, 2018
Albert Park District
Inner Melbourne: Albert Park, Middle Park, Port Melbourne, St Kilda West, South Melbourne
Federal seats: Part of Macnamara (formerly Melbourne Ports)
Legislative Council: Southern Metropolitan Region
Local government areas: Parts of Melbourne, Port Phillip
Enrolment 2014 election: 43,134
Enrolment 2018 election: 48,949 (up 13.5%)
Sitting member: Hon Martin Foley (Labor): Elected 2007 by-election, 2010, 2014
2010 Labor majority over Liberal: 2.1%
2014 Labor majority over Liberal: 3.0%
Status: Very marginal Labor
2014 results
Andrew Bond Liberal Party |
Hon Martin Foley Australian Labor Party |
Ogy Simic Australian Greens |
Tamasin Ramsay (Animal Justice Party)
Andrew Bond (Liberal Party)
Jarryd Bartle (Fiona Patten's Reason Party)
Steven Armstrong (Sustainable Australia)
Dr Joseph Toscano (Independent)
Ogy Simic (Australian Greens)
Hon Martin Foley (Australian Labor Party)
Albert Park District
Albert Park has existed since 1889, and has gradually expanded as the neighbouring seats, first Port Melbourne and
then St Kilda, have been abolished. It now runs from the mouth of the Yarra to Dickens St, Elwood. Once a largely
working-class area (particularly Port Melbourne), it is now one one of the most affluent parts of Melbourne, with very
high levels of professionals and managers. It also has a high proportion of renters, flat-dwellers and unmarried young
adults. This partly reflects the area's strong gay and lesbian presence.
Albert Park has usually been held by Labor members, except for the period 1932-45. It was last won by the Liberals in
1947. It was held from 1902 to 1918 by George Elmslie, who was (very briefly) the first Labor premier of Victoria.
Keith Sutton held it from 1950 to 1970, and was Speaker during the Cain government of 1952-55. Bunna Walsh (member
1979-92) was a minister in the Cain government of 1982-92. He was succeeded by John Thwaites, who was Deputy Premier
in the Bracks government from 1999 to 2007. In 2007 he resigned, and the subsequent by-election was won by Martin
Martin Foley, Labor MLA for Albert Park since 2007, was an employee of the Australian Services Union and
chief of staff to two state Labor ministers before entering politics. He has been Minister for Housing, Disability and
Ageing, Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Equality and Minister for Creative Industries since the 2014 election.
The Liberal candidate in 2018 in Andrew Bond, a Port Phillip City councillor. The Greens candidate is Ogy Simic,
a lawyer, is also a Port Phillip City councillor.
Albert Park has a Labor majority of only 3.0%, and cannot be regarded as safe for Labor, but in the current
political climate Foley seems reasonably secure. Given the areas's demographics the Greens should poll strongly, but
they managed only 16.8% in 2014.
Boundaries following 2014 redistricting:

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