Psephos - Adam Carr's Election Archive

Adam Carr's Election Archive
Commonwealth of Australia
Members of the House of Representatives since 1901
Division of Hunter, New South Wales
(created 1901)

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Rt Hon Edmund Barton (Prot) 1901-03 Dr Frank Liddell (FT, AS, Lib) 1903-10 Matthew Charlton (ALP) 1910-28 Rowland James (ALP, ALP-NSW, ALP) 1928-58 Rt Hon Dr Herbert Evatt (ALP) 1958-60

Bert James (ALP) 1960-80 Robert Brown (ALP) 1980-84 Eric Fitzgibbon (ALP) 1984-96 Hon Joel Fitzgibbon (ALP) 1996-2022 Dan Repacholi (ALP) 2022-