Psephos - Adam Carr's Election Archive

Adam Carr's Election Archive
Commonwealth of Australia
Members of the House of Representatives since 1901
Division of Hume, New South Wales
(created 1901)

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Rt Hon Sir William Lyne (Prot, Ind) 1901-13 Robert Patten (Lib, Nat) 1913-17 Franc Falkiner (Nat) 1917-19 Hon Parker Moloney (ALP) 1919-31 Hon Thomas Collins (CP) 1931-43

Arthur Fuller (ALP) 1943-49 Charles Anderson (CP) 1949-51 Arthur Fuller (ALP) 1951-55 Charles Anderson (CP) 1955-61 Arthur Fuller (ALP) 1961-63

John Pettitt (CP) 1963-72 Frank Olley (ALP) 1972-74 Stephen Lusher (CP, NCP, NPA) 1974-84 Hon Wallace Fife (Lib) 1984-93 Hon John Sharp (NPA) 1993-98

Alby Schultz (Lib) 1998-2013 Hon Angus Taylor (Lib) 2013-