Psephos - Adam Carr's Election Archive

Adam Carr's Election Archive

Australian federal election, 2025
Division of Sydney, New South Wales

Named for: City of Sydney, named by Arthur Phillip in January 1788 (after Thomas Townshend, Viscount Sydney (1733-1800), British Colonial Secretary 1783-89) (When Townshend was elevated to the peerage in 1783 he took the title Viscount Sydney of Chislehurst. He was related to the Sydney family who had been prominent since Elizabethan times. The name Sydney or Sidney is said to derive from an Anglo-Saxon placename, although there is no such locality in Britain today. Alternatively it may derive from the French placename St Denis. St Denis is the patron saint of France, and there are several places in Normandy called St Denis from which the Sydney family may originally have come.)

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Central Sydney: Balmain, Newtown, Rosebery, Surry Hills, Sydney

Enrolment at 2019 election: 114,239
Enrolment at 2022 election: 125,419 (+09.8)
1999 republic referendum: Yes 67.9
2018 same-sex marriage survey: Yes 83.7
2023 Voice referendum: Yes 70.9

Sitting member: Hon Tanya Plibersek (Labor): Elected 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022

Minister for the Environment and Water

2007 Labor majority over Liberal: 19.5%
2010 Labor majority over Liberal: 17.1%
2013 Labor majority over Liberal: 14.7%
2016 Labor majority over Liberal: 15.3%
2019 Labor majority over Liberal: 18.7%
2022 Labor majority over Greens: 16.7%
2025 notional Labor majority over Greens: 16.5%

Status: Very safe Labor
Labor two-party vote 1983-2022

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