Australian federal election, 2022
Senate election, Tasmania
Vic /
Qld /
WA /
SA /
Senators up for election in 2022:
Senator Hon Eric Abetz (Liberal)
Senator Wendy Askew (Liberal)
Senator Hon Jonathon Duniam (Liberal)
Senator Helen Polley (Labor)
Senator Anne Urquhart (Labor)
Senator Peter Whish-Wilson (Greens)
Senators serving until 2025:
Senator Catryna Bilyk (Labor)
Senator Carol Brown (Labor)
Senator Claire Chandler (Liberal)
Senator Hon Richard Colbeck (Liberal)
Senator Jacquie Lambie (Jacquie Lambie Network)
Senator Nick McKim (Greens)
At the 2019 election the Liberals polled 2.20 quotas, while Labor polled 2.14. This will ensure that both the Liberals and
Labor win two seats. The Greens polled 0.88 quotas, which should be enough to get Peter Whish-Wilson re-elected. Jacquie Lambie
polled 0.62 quotas, but it's most unlikely that she can transfer her personal vote to another candidate. So the sixth seat will go either to
the Liberals (more likely) or to Labor (less likely). The possibility that the Liberals will only win two seats set off a preselection
tussle between Eric Abetz (who is 63 and has been a Senator since 1994), and his former staffer Jonathon Duniam (who is 38 and was recently
promoted to assistant minister). In May, Duniam won the top spot. Since Senator Wendy Askew is assured of the second spot, Abetz was
relegated to the risky third spot.
Candidates in ballot-paper order:
Group A: Sustainable Australia
Dr Todd Dudley |
Daria Lockwood |
Group B: Pauline Hanson's One Nation
Steve Mav |
Norelle Button |
Group C: Animal Justice Party
Ivan Davis |
Virginia Thomas-Wurth |
Group D: Australian Labor Party
Senator Anne Urquhart |
Senator Helen Polley |
Kate Rainbird |
Daniel Hulme |
Wayne Roberts |
Chris Gourlay |
Group E: Legalise Cannabis Australia
Matt Owen |
Oliver Fitzgibbon |
Group F: Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party
Ray Williams |
Carlo Di Falco |
Brenton Jones |
Group G: Australian Federation Party
Ray Broomhall |
Justin Stringer |
Group H: Local Party
Leanne Minshull |
Linda Poulton |
Lara Van Raay |
Group I: Australian Greens
Senator Peter Whish-Wilson |
Vanessa Bleyer |
Tabatha Badger |
Group J: Liberal Democrats
Topher Field |
Chris Croft |
Group K: United Australia Party
Diana Adams |
Alan Hennessy |
Group L: Liberal Party
Senator Hon Jonathon Duniam |
Senator Wendy Askew |
Senator Hon Eric Abetz |
Group M: Jacquie Lambie Network
Tammi Tyrell |
Sarah Groat |
Tom Lambie |
Group N: Informed Medical Options
Lynne Kershaw |
Matthew Pickering |
Steve Crothers |
Fenella Edwards |
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