| Adam Carr's Election Archive
Victorian state election, 2018
Brighton District
Inner Melbourne: Brighton, Brighton East, Elwood, Hampton
Federal seats: Parts of Goldstein and
Legislative Council: Southern Metropolitan Region
Local government areas: Parts of Bayside and Port Phillip
Enrolment 2014 election: 42,924
Enrolment 2018 election: 45,225 (up 5.4%)
Sitting member:
Hon Louise Asher (Liberal): Elected (Monash Province) 1992, (Brighton) 1999, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014. Retiring 2018
2010 Liberal majority over Labor: 17.6
2014 Liberal majority over Labor: 9.8
Status: Fairly safe Liberal
2014 results
Katherine Copsey Australian Greens |
Declan Martin Australian Labor Party |
James Newbury Liberal Party |
Cathy Taylor (Animal Justice Party)
Declan Martin (Australian Labor Party)
James Newbury (Liberal Party)
John Casley (Independent)
Katherine Copsey (Australian Greens)
Alison Pridham (Sustainable Australia)
Brighton District
The seat of Brighton has existed since the first Legislative Assembly election in 1856. It is one of only three districts
to have existed continuously since then (the others being Richmond and Williamstown). It is centred on the bayside
suburb of Brighton, which has always been one of Melbourne's wealthiest areas. In recent times the seat has expanded into slightly
less aristocratic areas such as Elwood, but it is still one of Victoria's wealthiest electorates.
Not surprisingly, Brighton has never elected a Labor member, and has been held continuously by the Liberal Party since 1955.
(Before that it occasionally elected independent members.) Members have included Liberal stalwarts such as Bolte-era minister
John Rossiter and Alan Stockdale, Treasurer in the Kennett government. When Stockdale retired in 1992, Louise Asher transferred
from the Legislative Council to Brighton.
Louise Asher, Liberal MLA for Brighton since 1999 and before that MLC for Monash 1992-99, was a teacher before entering politics.
She was also an adviser to Peter Collins, NSW Minister for Health and Attorney General 1988-1991. She was a minister in the last term of the Kennett government, and an opposition
frontbencher for eleven years until 2010. She was Liberal Deputy Leader 1999-2002 and again 2006-14.
In the Baillieu and Napthine governments she was Minister for Innovation, Services and
Small Business, Minister for Tourism and Major Events, and later Minister for Employment and Trade.
Asher is retiring at this election. The new Liberal candidate is James Newbury, who holds a postgraduate degree in law and
currently works in the finance industry. He spent a decade working for the Liberal Party at both a State and Federal level.
The Labor candidate is Declan Martin, a student. The Greens candidate is Katherine Copsey, whose occupation in not stated.
Boundaries following 2014 redistricting:

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