Psephos - Adam Carr's Election Archive

Adam Carr's Election Archive
Commonwealth of Australia
Members of the House of Representatives since 1901
Division of Robertson, New South Wales
(created 1901)

< Riverina-Darling previous seat | next seat Ryan >
Return to alphabetical list of seats

Hon Henry Willis (FT, AS, Lib) 1901-10 William Johnson (ALP) 1910-13 William Fleming (Lib, Nat, CP) 1913-22 Sydney Gardner (Nat, UAP) 1922-40 Hon Eric Spooner (UAP) 1940-43

Thomas Williams (ALP) 1943-49 Roger Dean (Lib) 1949-64 William Bridges-Maxwell (Lib) 1964-69 Hon Barry Cohen (ALP) 1969-90 Hon Frank Walker (ALP) 1990-96

Hon Jim Lloyd (Lib) 1996-2007 Belinda Neal (ALP) 2007-10 Deb O'Neill (ALP) 2010-13 Lucy Wicks (Lib) 2013-