Psephos - Adam Carr's Election Archive

Adam Carr's Election Archive
Commonwealth of Australia
Members of the House of Representatives since 1901
Division of Lilley, Queensland
(created 1913)

< Leichhardt previous seat | next seat Lindsay >
Return to alphabetical list of seats

Jacob Stumm (Lib, Nat) 1913-17 Hon George Mackay (Nat, UAP) 1917-34 Sir Donald Cameron (UAP) 1934-37 William Jolly (UAP) 1937-43 James Hadley (ALP) 1943-49

Bruce Wight (Lib) 1949-61 Donald Cameron (ALP) 1961-63 Hon Kevin Cairns (Lib) 1963-72 Frank Doyle (ALP) 1972-74 Hon Kevin Cairns (Lib) 1974-80

Elaine Darling (ALP) 1980-93 Wayne Swan (ALP) 1993-96 Elizabeth Grace (Lib) 1996-98 Hon Wayne Swan (ALP) 1998-2019 Hon Anika Wells (ALP) 2019-