Psephos - Adam Carr's Election Archive

Adam Carr's Election Archive
Commonwealth of Australia
Members of the House of Representatives since 1901
Division of Flinders, Victoria
(created 1901)

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Arthur Groom (FT) 1901-03 James Gibb (FT, AS) 1903-06 Hon Sir William Irvine (AS, Lib, Nat) 1906-18 Rt Hon Stanley Bruce (Nat) 1918-29 Jack Holloway (ALP) 1929-31

Rt Hon Stanley Bruce (UAP) 1931-33 James Fairbairn (UAP) 1933-40 Rupert Ryan (UAP, Lib) 1940-52 Keith Ewert (ALP) 1952-54 Robert Lindsay (Lib) 1954-66

Rt Hon Sir Phillip Lynch (Lib) 1966-82 Peter Reith (Lib) 1982-83 Robert Chynoweth (ALP) 1983-84 Hon Peter Reith (Lib) 1984-2001

Hon Greg Hunt (Lib) 2001-22 Zoe McKenzie (Lib) 2022-