Psephos - Adam Carr's Election Archive

Adam Carr's Election Archive
Commonwealth of Australia
Members of the House of Representatives since 1901
Division of Brisbane, Queensland
(created 1901)

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Thomas Macdonald-Paterson (Ind) 1901-03 Dr Millice Culpin (Lab) 1903-06 Hon Justin Foxton (AS, Lib) 1906-10 William Finlayson (ALP) 1910-19 Donald Cameron (Nat, UAP) 1919-31

Hon George Lawson (ALP) 1931-61 Manfred Cross (ALP) 1961-75 Peter Johnson (Lib) 1975-80 Manfred Cross (ALP) 1980-90 Hon Arch Bevis (ALP) 1990-2010

Hon Teresa Gambaro (Lib) 2010-16 Hon Trevor Evans (Lib) 2016-22 Stephen Bates (Greens) 2022-