Psephos - Adam Carr's Election Archive

Adam Carr's Election Archive
Commonwealth of Australia
Members of the House of Representatives since 1901
Division of Bowman, Queensland
(created 1949)

< Bourke previous seat | next seat Braddon >
Return to alphabetical list of seats

Malcolm McColm (Lib) 1949-61 Jack Comber (ALP) 1961-63 Dr Wylie Gibbs (Lib) 1963-69 Leonard Keogh (ALP) 1969-75 David Jull (Lib) 1975-83

Leonard Keogh (ALP) 1983-87 Hon Con Sciacca (ALP) 1987-96 Andrea West (Lib) 1996-98

Hon Con Sciacca (ALP) 1998-2004 Dr Andrew Laming (Lib) 2004-22 Henry Pike (Lib) 2022-