Psephos - Adam Carr's Election Archive

Adam Carr's Election Archive
Commonwealth of Australia
Members of the House of Representatives since 1901
Division of Boothby, South Australia
(created 1903)

< Bonython previous seat | next seat Bourke >
Return to alphabetical list of seats

Hon Lee Batchelor (ALP) 1903-11 David Gordon (Lib) 1911-13 George Dankel (ALP, Nat) 1913-17 William Story (Nat) 1917-22 John Duncan-Hughes (Nat) 1922-28

John Price (ALP, UAP) 1928-41 Dr Grenfell Price (UAP) 1941-43 Thomas Sheehy (ALP) 1943-49 Hon Sir John McLeay (Lib) 1949-66 Hon John McLeay (Lib) 1966-81

Steele Hall (Lib) 1981-96 Dr Andrew Southcott (Lib) 1996-2016 Nicolle Flint (Lib) 2016-22 Louise Miller-Frost (ALP) 2022-