| Australian federal election, 2016
Division of Robertson, New South Wales
Central Coast New South Wales: Ettalong, Gosford, Terrigal, Woy Woy
Sitting member: Lucy Wicks (Liberal), elected 2013
Enrolment at close of rolls: 108,509
2013 Liberal majority over Labor: 3.0%
2016 notional Liberal majority over Labor: 3.1%
Candidates in ballot-paper order:
1. Lawrie Higgins Antipaedophile Party |
2. Dr Van Davy Independent |
3. Lucy Wicks Liberal Party |
4. Hillary Morris Australian Greens |
5. Matthew Craig Liberal Democratic Party |
6. Robert Stoddart Christian Democrats |
7. Anne Charlton Australian Labor Party |
2013 results
Statistics and history
Robertson has existed since Federation, and was originally a country seat based on Mudgee. Successive redistributions have moved it towards the
coast, and it now contains none of its original territory. Since 1949 it has taken in the Central Coast region, and in 1969 it was cut back to
the Gosford and Wyong areas. Wyong was removed in 1984 and most of the seat's votes are now cast in Gosford, Woy Woy and Ettalong, all popular
tourist and retirement areas. Robertson has usually been a marginal seat, although the demographic trends on the Central Coast are commonly
said to be favouring the Liberals.
Robertson has a fairly high median faily income level as a result of the Gosford area being colonised by affluent Sydney exurbanites. But the
seat also has a high proportion of retirees and pensioners, which gives it its high level of people over 65.
Jim Lloyd won Robertson for the Liberals in 1996. Under the Howard government he became Chief Government Whip and then a junior minister. He was
defeated in 2007 by former Labor Senator Belinda Neal. Her term was marked by a series of gaffes which resulted in her losing her preselection at
the 2010 election. Despite this, Labor's Deb O'Neill held the seat with an increased majority in 2010. In 2013, however, the Liberals regained the
seat. O'Neill later became a NSW Senator.
Lucy Wicks, Liberal MP for Robertson since 2013, was a teacher, electorate officer and Telstra executive before entering politics. Her Labor
opponent in 2016 will be Anne Charlton, O'Neill's chief of staff. The 2016 redistribution has changed the seat only slightly, adding a small area
around Terrigal, which has slightky increased the Liberal majority, to 3.1%. But this remains a very winnable seat for Labor.

These maps are the property of Adam Carr and may not be reproduced without his permission.
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The thirty seats that will decide the election
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