| Australian federal election, 2016
Division of Perth, Western Australia
Central Perth: Bassendean, Maylands, Morley, Mt Lawley
Sitting member: Hon Alannah MacTiernan (Labor), elected 2013. Retiring 2016
Enrolment at close of rolls: 98,758
2013 Labor majority over Liberal: 4.4%
2016 notional Labor majority over Liberal: 2.2%
Candidates in ballot-paper order:
1. Jeremy Quinn Liberal Party |
2. Tim Clifford Australian Greens |
3. Tim Hammond Australian Labor Party |
4. Andrew Chambers Online Direct Democracy |
5. Mark Walmsley Liberal Democratic Party |
2013 results
Statistics and history
Perth has existed since Federation, orginally covering the whole city except for Fremantle. Today it has been cut back to a block of suburbs running
north-east from the city centre, and is a fairly typical inner-city seat, with a high proportion of people in professional occupations and people born
in non English speaking countries, and a low level of families with dependent children. Like most seats of this type, it is fairly safe for Labor.
Every member for Perth before 1983 was eventually defeated, but Dr Ric Charlesworth, who won the seat in 1983 for Labor, held it for ten years
before retiring. Charlesworth was succeeded in 1993 by Stephen Smith, a former WA ALP State Secretary and advisor to Prime Minister Keating. Smith
was Foreign Minister and Defence Minister in the Rudd- Gillard Government, and retired in 2013.
Alannah MacTiernan, Labor MP for Perth since 2013, stepped into the breach when Smith announced his retirment shortly before the 2013 election. She
was a solicitor before she was elected to the WA Legislative Council 1993, where she served until she transferred to the Legislative Assembly in 1996.
She was a minister in the state Labor government from 2001 to 2008, and retired in 2010. At the 2010 election she contested Canning and gained a swing
to Labor, against the trend of the election. At 63, McTiernan is retiring after one term.
Labor's new candidate is Tim Hammond, a barrister who was elected federal vice-president of the party in 2015. Hammond unsuccessfuly contested Swan in
2010. The 2016 redistribution has removed some Labor territory around Beechboro, and added more marginal territory at Mt Hawthorn and Leederville. This
has cut Labor's majority to a precarious 2.2%. The Liberal candidate is Jeremy Quinn, a "human resources and recruitment professional".

These maps are the property of Adam Carr and may not be reproduced without his permission.
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Prospective pendulum, showing all candidates
State and territory maps, showing new boundaries
The thirty seats that will decide the election
Other seats of interest