| Australian federal election, 2016
Division of Grayndler, New South Wales
Inner Sydney: Balmain, Enmore, Leichhardt, Marrickville
Sitting member: Hon Anthony Albanese (Labor), elected 1996
Enrolment at close of rolls: 105,605
2013 Labor majority over Liberal: 20.3%
2016 notional Labor majority over Liberal: 18.8%
Candidates in ballot-paper order:
1. Emma Hurst Animal Justice Party |
2. Chris Hindi Drug Law Reform |
3. Oscar Grenfell Socialist Equality Party |
4. Jim Casey Australian Greens |
5. Meow-Ludo Meow-Meow Science Party |
6. Pat Sheil Australian Sex Party |
7. Noel McFarlane Australian Cyclists Party |
8. Chris McLachlan Renewable Energy Party |
9. Hon Anthony Albanese Australian Labor Party |
10. David Van Gogh Liberal Party |
11. Jamie Elvy Christian Democrats |
2013 results
Statistics and history
Grayndler was created in 1949, based in Sydney's inner western suburbs centred on Marrickville. Its boundaries have been changed fairly radically several times since, but
in 2010 they returned to something close to their original form. The 2016 redistribution has extended it to take in the Balmain peninsula for the first time.
In the 1950s these areas were still among the poorest parts of urban Australia, verging on being slums. Today this is a wealthy electorate, with more than a
third of the population working in professional occupations and a level of median family income in the top 20%. Nearly 30% of residents were born in non English
speaking countries. This is now one of the leading inner-city multicultural electorates.
What has not changed is the strength of the Labor vote, although much of it now comes in the form of preferences from the Greens. In two- party terms, Grayndler is one
of the safest Labor electorates in Australia, but the real threat to Labor comes from the Greens, who now dominate this area at state level. They polled 23% of the
vote here in 2013, to Labor's 47%. The Greens came second in 2010, but fell back to third in 2013.
Past members for Grayndler include Labor veteran and minister Fred Daly, minister Jeannette McHugh and Speaker of the House Leo McLeay.
Anthony Albanese, Labor MP for Grayndler since 1996, was Assistant General Secretary of the NSW Labor Party and a senior adviser to NSW Premier Bob Carr before
entering Parliament. Albanese is a leader of the Labor Party's left faction. After serving as a senior minister throughout the Rudd-Gillard Government, he was
Deputy Prime Minister for three months before the 2013 election. After the election he was the Left's candidate for the leadership, but was defeated by Bill
Shorten. He is now Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, for Tourism and for Cities.
Grayndler is at the top of the Greens' target list at this election. The 2016 redistribution has removed some of Albanese's home turf in Marrickville while
extending the seat north to take in Balmain. This has weakened Labor vis-a-vis both the Liberals and the Greens, but Albanese's prestige is such that they are unlikely
to bother him, although the Greens may well win the seat when he retires. The Greens' candidate is Jim Casey, Secretary of the NSW Fire Brigades Employees’ Union
(and until recently a member of the International Socialists). The Liberal candidate is David Van Gogh, who is director of Deloitte Risk Advisory.

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Prospective pendulum, showing all candidates
State and territory maps, showing new boundaries
The thirty seats that will decide the election
Other seats of interest