Adam Carr's guide to
The 2007 Australian federal election

The House of Representatives


Division of Corio


Richard Marles (ALP)

His ALP website
and his campaign

Angelo Kakouros (Lib)

His Liberal Party website

Gordon Alderson (FF)

Her Family First website

Chris Johnston (SA)

Her Socialist
Alliance website

Rob Leach (Grn)

His Greens website

Erica Menheere-Thomson (Dem)

His Democrats website

Gavan O'Connor (Ind)

No website
Location: South-west Vic: Corio, Geelong, Leopold, Norlane
Division named for: Corio Bay, an Indigenous word meaning "small marsupial"
Median weekly family income: $828 (106th highest)
Persons born in non English speaking countries: 11.0% (69th highest)
Persons in professional occupations: 20.7% (123rd highest)
Persons aged 65 and over: 14.3% (50th highest)
Couple families with dependent children: 36.0% (108th highest)
Dwellings being purchased: 28.7% (51st highest)
Sitting member: Gavan Oè¾°onnor (Independent), elected 1993, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2004.
Born: 2 December 1947, Colac. Farmer and high-school teacher. Electorate officer to Senator John Button. Colac City Council. Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Opposition 1996-98, and to the Shadow Minister for Primary Industries 1997-98. Member, Opposition Shadow Ministry 1998-2006. Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forests 1998-2001, for Regional Services, Territories and Local Government 2001-03, for Tourism 2002-03, for Local Government and Housing 2003, for Agriculture and Fisheries 2003-06.
1996 two-party majority: Labor 06.8
1998 two-party majority: Labor 11.4
2001 two-party majority: Labor 08.7
Effect of 2004 redistribution: 00.2 shift to Liberal
2004 primary votes: Labor 46.7, Liberal 40.3, Green 5.9
2004 two-party majority: Labor 05.6
2004 enrolment: 88,186
2007 enrolment: 90,454 (+02.6%)
Corio has existed since Federation, and has always been based on the provincial city of Geelong, though at times it has also included most of the western suburbs of Melbourne. Since the 1980s is has consisted only of Geelong and a few rural areas to the north. Like most regional seats it has a relatively low median income level and a low proportion of people in professional occupations. As a manufacturing centre, however, Geelong has a higher level of people born in non English speaking countries than most regional cities. After being held by the Liberals through the 1950s and '60s, Corio has become a steadily stronger seat for Labor over the past 30 years. In 2004 Labor polled more than 70% of the two-party vote in Norlane and the three Corio booths, while the Liberals polled more than 60% in rural booths like Anakie and Fyans Park. Members have included Liberal minister Sir Hubert Opperman and Labor ministers Jack Dedman and Gordon Scholes. Gavan O'Connor has held the seat since 1993. In retrospect it seems that Opperman, a former Olympic cyclist, held what was basically a Labor seat on his personal vote alone. O'Connor, a former farmer, was on the Labor front bench from 1998 to 2006, and was one of the few Labor members who had first-hand knowledge of agricultural matters, but in 2006 he lost his preselection to ACTU assistant secretary Richard Marles in a well-organised factional coup. In October he announced that he would contest the seat as an independent (see link below).
Candidates in ballot-paper order
  • Darrin Welden (Liberty and Democracy) is a locksmith.
  • Ross Russell (CEC) is retired.
  • Chris Johnston (Socialist Alliance) is a trainer.
  • Gordon Alderson (Family First) is a consultant.
  • Angelo Kakouros (Liberal) runs his own security business.
  • Gavan O'Connor (Independent) is the sitting member: See biography above.
  • Erica Menheere-Thomson (Democrats) works in research and development.
  • Richard Marles (Labor) is a lawyer. He was federal legal officer and then national assistant secretary of the Transport Workers Union. He has been ACTU assistant secretary since 2000.
  • Dr Rob Leach (Greens) is an English master at Geelong Grammar.

    Campaign news
    Gavan O'Connor to run as an independent

    Candidates on YouTube
    Richard Marles


    Two-party vote by booth, 2004 Click to enlarge map

    Two-party swing by booth, 2004 Click to enlarge map

    Members for Corio

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