REPUBLIC OF VANUATU LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 2 MAY 2002 =================================================================== Elections to the Parliament of Vanuatu Source: Vanuatu Election Commission Once again my thanks to Michael Morgan of the Australian National University for supplying these statistics. Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------- * FMP - Fren Melanesian Party (Melanesian Front Party) * GC - Greens Confederation * MPP - Melanesian Progressive Party * NUP - National United Party * PPP - People's Progressive Party * UMP - Union of Moderate Parties * VP - Vanuaaku Party * VRP - Vanuatu Republican Party NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS =================================================================== Votes and seats are compared with those won at the 1998 elections. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Registered voters: 127,069 Votes cast: 80,657 63.5% Invalid votes 1,412 01.7% Valid votes 79,245 98.3% ------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Change Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fren Melanesian Party 1,596 02.0 1 Greens Confederation 3,701 04.7 2 Melanesian Progressive Party 5,626 07.1 (-06.8) 2 (-04) National United Party 10,773 13.6 (-02.3) 8 (-03) People's Progressive Party 4,028 05.1 1 Union of Moderate Parties 11,989 15.1 (-05.0) 15 (+03) Vanuaaku Party 13,509 17.0 (-04.0) 14 (-04) Vanuatu Republican Party 4,897 06.2 (-01.7) 3 (+02) Others 23,126 29.2 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 79,245 52 -------------------------------------------------------------------