REPUBLIC OF UGANDA PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF March 12, 2001 ================================================================== Registered Voters: 10,775,836 Votes Cast: 7,576,144 70.1% Valid Votes: 7,389,691 97.5% Invalid Votes: 186,453 02.5% Candidate Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------ Aggrey AWORI 103,915 01.4 Kiiza BESIGYE 2,055,795 27.8 Francis BWENGYE 22,751 00.3 Karuhanga CHAPAA 10,080 00.1 Muhammad Kibirige MAYANJA 73,790 01.0 Kaguta Yoweri MUSEVENI 5,123,360 69.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 7,389,691 ------------------------------------------------------------------ The political system established by Musaveni and his National Resistance Movement allow no political parties.