REPUBLIC OF TOGO PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS OF 14 OCTOBER 2007 ===================================================================== Source: Independent National Election Commission Parties --------------------------------------------------------------------- * CDPA - Convention Democratique des Peuples Africains (Democratic Convention of African Peoples) * CAR - Comite d'Action pour la Renouveau (Action Committee for Renewal) * OBUTS - l’Organisation pour Batir dans l’Union un Togo Solidaire (Organization for the Construction of a United Togo in Solidarity) * PDA - Parti Democratique Panafricain (Democratic Pan-African Party) * RPT - Rassemblement du Peuple Togolais (Rally for the Togolese People) * PRR - Parti du Renouveau et de la Redemption (Party of Renovation and Redemption) * UFC - Union des Forces du Changement (Union of Forces for Change) NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ===================================================================== Enrolled voters: 3,227,492 Votes cast: 2,119,829 65.7 Invalid votes: 79,283 01.6 Valid votes: 2,040,506 98.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party votes % --------------------------------------------------------------------- Brigitte Adjamagbo-Johnson CDPA 13,451 00.7 Yawovi Agboyibo CAR 60,388 03.0 Jean-Pierre Fabre UFC 692,584 33.9 Faure Gnassingbe RPT 1,234,044 60.9 Bassabi Kagbara PDA 8,357 00.4 Agbeyome Kodjo OBUTS 17,397 00.9 Jean-Nicolas Lawson PRR 6,029 00.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,040,506 ---------------------------------------------------------------------