KINGDOM OF SWEDEN RIKSDAG ELECTIONS OF 19 SEPTEMBER 2010 ==================================================================== Source: Swedish government election website Parties -------------------------------------------------------------------- * C - Centerpartiet (Centre Party) * FP - Folkpartiet Liberalerna (Liberal People's Party) * KD - Kristdemokraterna (Christian Democrats) * M - Moderata samlingspartiet (Moderate Coalition Party) * MP - Miljöpartiet de Gröna (Environment Party the Greens) * S - Arbetarepartiet Socialdemokraterna (Worker's Party Social Democrats) * SD - Sverigedemokraterna (Swedish Democrats) * V - Vänsterpartiet (Left Party)VOTES AND SEATS BY REGION ==================================================================== Showing parliamentary Deputies elected from each region. Comparisons are with the election of September 2006. BLEKINGE ==================================================================== Registered voters: 118,279 Votes cast: 101,504 85.8 Invalid votes: 1,342 01.3 Valid votes: 100,162 98.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 27,387 27.3 +05.3 2 Liberal People's Party (FP) 5,431 05.4 -01.0 - Centre Party (C) 5,771 05.8 -01.4 - Christian Democrats (KD) 3,973 04.0 -01.2 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 42,562 42.5 +01.7 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 36,520 36.5 -05.9 3 Green Party (MP) 5,289 05.3 +01.6 - Left Party (V) 5,075 05.1 -00.4 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 46,884 46.8 -04.6 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 9,830 09.8 +03.6 1 +1 Others 886 00.9 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 100,162 6 +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Jonas Åkerlund (SD) Peter Jeppsson * (S) Annicka Engblom * (M) Gustav Nilsson (M) Kerstin Haglö (S) Suzanne Svensson (S) -------------------------------------------------------------------- DALARNA ==================================================================== Registered voters: 217,072 Votes cast: 181,942 83.8 Invalid votes: 2,774 01.5 Valid votes: 179,168 98.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 44,997 25.1 +04.1 3 Liberal People's Party (FP) 8,747 04.8 -00.3 - -1 Centre Party (C) 14,086 07.9 -02.9 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 7,925 04.4 -01.0 - -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 75,755 42.3 -00.1 4 -2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 67,139 37.5 -02.9 4 -1 Green Party (MP) 10,652 06.0 +01.6 1 Left Party (V) 10,533 05.9 -00.8 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 88,324 49.3 -02.0 6 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 12,470 07.0 +04.2 1 +1 Others 2,619 01.5 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 179,168 11 -2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ann-Britt Åsebol (M) Kurt Kvarnström * (S) Ulf Berg * (M) Jan Lindholm * (MP) Carl-Oskar Bohlin (M) Lena Olsson * (V) Roza Güclü Hedin (S) William Petzäll (SD) Peter Hultqvist * (S) Carin Runeson * (S) Kenneth Johansson * (C) -------------------------------------------------------------------- GÄVLEBORG ==================================================================== Registered voters: 217,152 Votes cast: 179,711 82.8 Invalid votes: 2,463 01.4 Valid votes: 177,248 98.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 41,009 23.1 +04.7 3 +1 Liberal People's Party (FP) 9,444 05.3 00.0 1 Centre Party (C) 12,982 07.3 -03.8 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 7,235 04.1 -01.1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 70,580 39.8 -00.2 5 +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 67,893 38.3 -03.4 4 -1 Green Party (MP) 10,918 06.2 +01.8 1 Left Party (V) 12,814 07.2 -00.7 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 91,625 51.7 -02.3 6 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 12,616 07.1 +04.1 1 +1 Others 2,337 01.3 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 177,248 12 +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ulla Andersson * (V) Margareta B Kjellin * (M) Hans Backman * (FP) Åsa Lindestam * (S) Lars Beckman (M) Elin Lundgren (S) Bodil Ceballos (MP) Raimo Pärssinen * (S) Richard Jomshof (SD) Per Svedberg * (S) Anders W Jonsson (C) Tomas Tobé * (M) -------------------------------------------------------------------- GÖTEBORGS KOMMUN ==================================================================== Registered voters: 389,821 Votes cast: 322,458 82.7 Invalid votes: 3,156 01.0 Valid votes: 319,302 99.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 96,981 30.4 +03.5 5 Liberal People's Party (FP) 26,829 08.4 -01.8 1 -1 Centre Party (C) 12,183 03.8 -00.7 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 19,484 06.1 -00.6 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 155,477 48.7 +00.4 8 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 80,543 25.2 -03.7 5 Green Party (MP) 34,205 10.7 +02.3 2 Left Party (V) 27,246 08.5 -00.2 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 141,994 44.7 -01.3 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 15,608 04.9 +02.3 1 +1 Others 6,223 02.0 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 319,302 18 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gunilla Carlsson * (S) Hans Linde * (V) Annelie Enochson * (KD) Cecilia Magnusson * (M) Anders Flanking (C) Valter Mutt (MP) Eva Flyborg * (FP) Lise Nordin (MP) Susanna Haby (M) Eva Olofsson * (V) Shadiye Heydari (S) Leif Pagrotsky * (S) Lars Hjälmered * (M) Hans Rothenberg * (M) Lars Johansson * (S) Sven-Olof Sällström (SD) Mattias Jonsson (S) Abdirizak Waberi (M) -------------------------------------------------------------------- GOTLAND ==================================================================== Registered voters: 46,237 Votes cast: 39,257 84.9 Invalid votes: 617 01.6 Valid votes: 38,640 98.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 9,731 25.2 +03.6 1 Liberal People's Party (FP) 1,785 04.6 +00.3 - Centre Party (C) 5,657 14.6 -04.6 - Christian Democrats (KD) 1,128 02.9 -00.9 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 18,301 47.4 -01.6 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 12,855 33.3 -01.6 1 Green Party (MP) 3,259 08.4 +02.2 - Left Party (V) 2,342 06.1 +00.1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 18,456 47.8 +00.7 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 1,225 03.2 +01.6 - Others 658 01.7 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 38,640 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Christer Engelhardt * (S) Gustaf Hoffstedt (M) -------------------------------------------------------------------- HALLAND ==================================================================== Registered voters: 229,891 Votes cast: 198,084 86.2 Invalid votes: 2,519 01.3 Valid votes: 195,565 98.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 67,878 34.7 +05.0 4 +1 Liberal People's Party (FP) 15,286 07.8 +00.1 1 Centre Party (C) 17,178 08.8 -01.6 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 10,994 05.6 -01.1 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 111,336 56.9 +02.5 7 +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 52,319 26.8 -04.9 3 -1 Green Party (MP) 11,568 05.9 +01.9 1 +1 Left Party (V) 6,904 03.5 -00.4 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 70,791 36.2 -03.4 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 10,507 05.4 +02.5 1 +1 Others 2,931 01.5 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 195,565 12 +2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Agneta Börjesson (MP) Mikael Jansson (SD) Anne Marie Brodén * (M) Ola Johansson (C) Adnan Dibrani (S) Jennie Nilsson * (S) Jan Ertsborn * (FP) Jenny Petersson (M) Lars Gustafsson * (KD) Michael Svensson (M) Hans Hoff * (S) Henrik von Sydow * (M) -------------------------------------------------------------------- JÄMTLAND ==================================================================== Registered voters: 100,144 Votes cast: 83,203 83.1 Invalid votes: 1,267 01.5 Valid votes: 81,936 98.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 18,193 22.2 +04.6 1 Liberal People's Party (FP) 3,155 03.9 -00.3 - Centre Party (C) 10,487 12.8 -04.0 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 2,340 02.9 -00.9 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 34,175 41.7 -00.6 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 33,013 40.3 +00.1 2 -1 Green Party (MP) 5,339 06.5 +01.5 - Left Party (V) 5,340 06.5 -01.8 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 43,692 53.2 -00.2 2 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 3,122 03.8 +00.2 - Others 947 01.2 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 81,936 4 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Per Åsling * (C) Saila Quicklund (M) Marie Nordén * (S) Gunnar Sandberg * (S) -------------------------------------------------------------------- JÖNKÖPING ==================================================================== Registered voters: 256,538 Votes cast: 219,201 85.5 Invalid votes: 2,637 01.2 Valid votes: 216,564 98.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 57,901 26.7 +04.7 3 Liberal People's Party (FP) 12,134 05.6 +00.3 1 Centre Party (C) 16,859 07.8 -00.6 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 27,822 12.9 -03.2 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 114,716 53.0 +01.1 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 66,316 30.6 -04.8 4 -1 Green Party (MP) 11,438 05.3 +01.8 1 +1 Left Party (V) 8,775 04.1 -00.2 - -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 86,529 40.0 -03.1 5 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 13,888 06.4 +03.2 1 +1 Others 1,431 00.7 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 216,564 13 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Jimmie Åkesson (SD) Tobias Krantz * (FP) Magdalena Andersson * (M) Maria Larsson * (KD) Stefan Attefall * (KD) Kew Nordqvist (MP) Helena Bouveng * (M) Peter Persson (S) Carina Hägg * (S) Helene Petersson * (S) Annie Johansson * (C) Thomas Strand * (S) Bengt-Anders Johansson * (M) -------------------------------------------------------------------- KALMAR ==================================================================== Registered voters: 184,737 Votes cast: 156,929 85.0 Invalid votes: 2,193 01.4 Valid votes: 154,736 98.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 41,631 26.9 +05.6 3 +1 Liberal People's Party (FP) 7,847 05.1 -00.1 - Centre Party (C) 13,829 08.9 -02.1 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 9,341 06.0 -01.1 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 72,648 46.9 +02.2 5 +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 55,116 35.6 -05.7 4 Green Party (MP) 8,713 05.6 +01.8 - Left Party (V) 7,679 05.0 -00.1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 71,508 46.2 -04.0 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 8,964 05.8 +02.6 - Others 1,616 01.0 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 154,736 9 +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Anders Åkesson * (C) Håkan Juholt * (S) Anders Andersson (KD) Désirée Liljevall * (S) Jan R Andersson * (M) Krister Örnfjäder * (S) Jörgen Andersson (M) Eva Bengtson Skogsberg * (M) Lena Hallengren * (S) -------------------------------------------------------------------- KRONOBERG ==================================================================== Registered voters: 138,781 Votes cast: 118,089 85.1 Invalid votes: 1,576 01.3 Valid votes: 116,513 98.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 34,762 29.8 +05.2 2 Liberal People's Party (FP) 6,667 05.7 00.0 - Centre Party (C) 11,559 09.9 -01.4 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 7,111 06.1 -01.8 - -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 60,099 51.6 +02.0 3 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 35,555 30.5 -05.5 3 Green Party (MP) 7,044 06.1 +01.8 - Left Party (V) 5,380 04.6 -00.3 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 47,979 41.8 -03.3 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 7,424 06.4 +02.9 - Others 1,011 00.9 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 116,513 6 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Katarina Brännström * (M) Tomas Eneroth * (S) Clas-Göran Carlsson (S) Eskil Erlandsson * (C) Carina A Elgestam * (S) Johan Hultberg (M) -------------------------------------------------------------------- MALMÖ KOMMUN ==================================================================== Registered voters: 214,326 Votes cast: 170,667 79.6 Invalid votes: 1,559 00.9 Valid votes: 169,108 99.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 55,160 32.6 +04.1 3 Liberal People's Party (FP) 11,768 07.0 -01.9 1 Centre Party (C) 4,795 02.8 -00.1 - Christian Democrats (KD) 5,274 03.1 -00.3 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 76,997 45.5 +01.8 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 48,450 28.7 -06.6 3 -1 Green Party (MP) 14,861 08.8 +02.7 1 Left Party (V) 10,118 06.0 +00.5 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 73,429 43.4 -03.4 5 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 13,256 07.8 +02.9 1 +1 Others 5,426 03.2 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 169,108 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Marianne Berg * (V) Leif Jakobsson * (S) Tobias Billström * (M) Hillevi Larsson * (S) Maria Ferm (MP) Olof Lavesson * (M) Josef Fransson (SD) Patrick Reslow (M) Marie Granlund * (S) Allan Widman * (FP) -------------------------------------------------------------------- NORRBOTTEN ==================================================================== Registered voters: 194,788 Votes cast: 165,403 84.9 Invalid votes: 1,440 00.9 Valid votes: 163,963 99.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 26,852 16.4 +03.0 2 +1 Liberal People's Party (FP) 7,082 04.3 00.0 - Centre Party (C) 7,618 04.6 -01.8 - -1 Christian Democrats (KD) 5,388 03.3 -00.9 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 46,940 28.6 +00.3 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 85,035 51.9 +00.4 6 Green Party (MP) 8,630 05.3 +01.2 - Left Party (V) 15,240 09.3 -01.2 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 108,905 66.4 +00.3 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 6,309 03.9 +02.4 - Others 1,809 01.1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 163,963 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Karin Åström * (S) Fredrik Lundh Sammeli * (S) Hannah Bergstedt (S) Leif Pettersson * (S) Sven-Erik Bucht (S) Maria Stenberg (S) Krister Hammarbergh * (M) Åsa Ågren Wikström (M) Siv Holma * (V) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ÖREBRO ==================================================================== Registered voters: 215,772 Votes cast: 184,592 85.6 Invalid votes: 2,214 01.2 Valid votes: 182,378 98.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 43,791 24.0 +05.2 3 +1 Liberal People's Party (FP) 11,415 06.3 -00.4 1 Centre Party (C) 9,807 05.4 -02.1 - -1 Christian Democrats (KD) 11,235 06.2 -01.0 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 76,248 41.8 +01.7 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 70,818 38.8 -04.3 4 -1 Green Party (MP) 11,846 06.5 +01.9 1 Left Party (V) 10,311 05.7 -00.4 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 92,975 51.0 -02.8 6 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 11,136 06.1 +02.3 1 +1 Others 2,019 01.1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 182,378 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Lennart Axelsson * (S) Lars-Axel Nordell (KD) Håkan Bergman (S) Oskar Öholm (M) Jonas Eriksson (MP) Johan Pehrson * (FP) Matilda Ernkrans * (S) Per Ramhorn (SD) Eva-Lena Jansson * (S) Elisabeth Svantesson * (M) Mia Sydow Mölleby (V) Sten Tolgfors * (M) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ÖSTERGÖTLAND ==================================================================== Registered voters: 330,010 Votes cast: 283,131 85.8 Invalid votes: 3,390 01.2 Valid votes: 279,741 98.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 80,141 28.7 +03.8 4 Liberal People's Party (FP) 19,017 06.8 +00.3 1 Centre Party (C) 17,561 06.3 -01.3 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 16,357 05.9 -01.3 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 133,076 47.6 +01.6 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 92,164 33.0 -04.5 5 -1 Green Party (MP) 21,225 07.6 +02.5 1 Left Party (V) 14,242 05.1 -00.1 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 127,631 45.6 -02.1 7 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 14,862 05.3 +03.0 1 +1 Others 4,172 01.5 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 279,741 15 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Thoralf Alfsson (SD) Karin Granbom Ellison * (FP) Johan Andersson (S) Billy Gustafsson * (S) Yvonne Andersson * (KD) Annika Lillemets (MP) Gunnar Axén * (M) Johan Löfstrand * (S) Finn Bengtsson (M) Louise Malmström * (S) Torbjörn Björlund * (V) Andreas Norlén * (M) Gunilla Carlsson * (M) Anna-Lena Sörenson (S) Staffan Danielsson * (C) -------------------------------------------------------------------- SKÅNE NORRA OCH ÖSTRA ==================================================================== Registered voters: 232,273 Votes cast: 192,880 83.0 Invalid votes: 2,726 01.4 Valid votes: 190,154 98.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 60,930 32.0 +00.7 4 +1 Liberal People's Party (FP) 12,677 06.7 -00.4 1 Centre Party (C) 12,871 06.8 -01.5 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 9,420 05.0 -01.8 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 95,898 50.4 +00.9 7 +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 54,529 28.7 -06.5 3 -1 Green Party (MP) 10,195 05.4 +02.0 1 +1 Left Party (V) 6,113 03.2 -00.2 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 70,837 37.3 -04.7 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 21,312 11.2 +05.6 1 +1 Others 2,107 01.1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 190,154 12 +2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Christer Adelsbo * (S) Mattias Karlsson (SD) Christer Akej (M) Göran Montan * (M) Kerstin Engle * (S) Christer Nylander * (FP) Gustav Fridolin (MP) Margareta Pålsson * (M) Per-Ingvar Johnsson (C) Tuve Skånberg (KD) Annelie Karlsson (S) Hans Wallmark * (M) -------------------------------------------------------------------- SKÅNE SÖDRA ==================================================================== Registered voters: 267,562 Votes cast: 231,076 Invalid votes: 2,550 01.1 Valid votes: 228,526 98.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 87,893 38.5 +05.4 5 Liberal People's Party (FP) 19,622 08.6 -00.6 1 Centre Party (C) 12,717 05.6 -00.4 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 9,916 04.3 -00.5 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 130,148 57.0 +03.9 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 50,557 22.1 -08.2 3 -1 Green Party (MP) 16,176 07.1 +02.3 1 Left Party (V) 7,597 03.3 -00.1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 74,330 32.5 -06.0 4 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 19,923 08.7 +03.4 1 +1 Others 4,125 01.8 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 228,526 13 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Boriana Åberg (M) Julia Kronlid (SD) Otto von Arnold (KD) Johan Linander * (C) Bo Bernhardsson (S) Kerstin Nilsson (S) Anders Hansson * (M) Ulf Nilsson * (FP) Ulf Holm * (MP) Gunilla Nordgren (M) Morgan Johansson * (S) Ewa Thalén Finné * (M) Christine Jönsson * (M) -------------------------------------------------------------------- SKÅNE VÄSTRA ==================================================================== Registered voters: 213,580 Votes cast: 175,446 82.2 Invalid votes: 2,011 01.1 Valid votes: 173,435 98.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 58,628 33.8 +05.2 4 Liberal People's Party (FP) 13,967 08.1 -00.4 1 Centre Party (C) 8,164 04.7 -01.0 - -1 Christian Democrats (KD) 6,989 04.0 -00.8 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 87,748 50.6 +02.9 5 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 49,900 28.8 -06.2 3 -1 Green Party (MP) 9,869 05.7 +02.0 1 +1 Left Party (V) 5,847 03.4 00.0 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 65,616 37.8 -04.2 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 17,448 10.1 +02.9 1 +1 Others 2,623 01.5 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 173,435 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ann Arleklo * (S) Ann-Charlotte Hammar Johnsson (M) Magnus Ehrencrona (MP) Cristina Husmark Pehrsson * (M) Thomas Finnborg (M) Anders Karlsson * (S) Kent Härstedt * (S) Torkild Strandberg * (FP) Jonas Jacobsson (M) Tony Wiklander (SD) -------------------------------------------------------------------- SÖDERMANLAND ==================================================================== Registered voters: 204,779 Votes cast: 173,551 84.8 Invalid votes: 2,124 01.2 Valid votes: 171,427 98.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 47,889 27.9 +04.6 3 +1 Liberal People's Party (FP) 11,299 06.6 -00.2 1 Centre Party (C) 9,850 05.8 -01.1 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 8,095 04.7 -01.5 - -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 77,133 45.0 +01.8 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 59,463 34.7 -07.5 4 -1 Green Party (MP) 13,065 07.6 +02.5 1 Left Party (V) 8,637 05.0 +00.1 - -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 81,165 47.3 -05.0 5 -2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 11,370 06.6 +04.1 1 +1 Others 1,759 01.0 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 171,427 11 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Ekström (S) Carina Herrstedt (SD) Gunvor G Ericson * (MP) Sara Karlsson (S) Lotta Finstorp (M) Fredrik Olovsson * (S) Walburga Habsburg Douglas * (M) Roger Tiefensee * (C) Liselott Hagberg * (FP) Per Westerberg * (M) Caroline Helmersson Olsson (S) -------------------------------------------------------------------- STOCKHOLM KOMMUN ==================================================================== Registered voters: 634,464 Votes cast: 539,034 85.0 Invalid votes: 4,147 00.9 Valid votes: 534,034 99.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 183,421 34.3 -00.8 10 -1 Liberal People's Party (FP) 45,939 08.6 -01.5 3 Centre Party (C) 33,895 06.3 +00.7 2 Christian Democrats (KD) 28,244 05.3 +00.2 2 +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 291,499 54.6 -00.8 17 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 111,688 20.9 -02.3 6 Green Party (MP) 65,351 12.2 +02.9 3 Left Party (V) 39,565 07.4 00.0 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 216,604 40.6 +00.7 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 16,950 03.2 +01.5 1 +1 Others 9,834 01.8 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 534,034 29 +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Maria Abrahamsson (M) Ylva Johansson (S) Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth * (M) Anna König Jerlmyr * (M) Sofia Arkelsten (M) Mehmet Kaplan * (MP) Beatrice Ask * (M) David Lång (SD) Gustav Blix (M) Birgitta Ohlsson * (FP) Josefin Brink (V) Veronica Palm * (S) Andreas Carlgren (C) Fredrik Reinfeldt * (M) Fredrick Federley * (C) Åsa Romson * (MP) Johan Forssell * (M) Mona Sahlin * (S) Göran Hägglund * (KD) Börje Vestlund (S) Robert Halef (KD) H G Wessberg (M) Arhe Hamednaca (S) Barbro Westerholm (FP) Carl B Hamilton * (FP) Maria Wetterstrand * (MP) Jens Holm (V) Anders Ygeman * (S) Mats Johansson * (M) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Brink, Sahlin and Westerholm were elected for Stockholm Län in 2006. STOCKHOLM LÄN ==================================================================== Registered voters: 850,629 Votes cast: 722,800 85.0 Invalid votes: 6,451 00.9 Valid votes: 716,314 99.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 286,249 40.0 +01.6 15 -2 Liberal People's Party (FP) 59,461 08.3 -00.9 3 -1 Centre Party (C) 41,369 05.8 +00.5 2 -1 Christian Democrats (KD) 44,880 06.3 -00.4 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 431,959 60.3 +00.8 23 -4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 159,222 22.2 -03.9 8 -2 Green Party (MP) 53,788 07.5 +02.0 3 Left Party (V) 31,617 04.4 -00.3 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 244,627 34.2 -02.2 13 -2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 29,886 04.2 +02.3 2 +2 Others 9,877 01.4 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 716,314 38 -4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Anti Avsan * (M) Nina Lundström (FP) Hanif Bali (M) Carina Moberg * (S) Jan Björklund (FP) Ingela Nylund Watz (S) Ewa Björling * (M) Mats Odell * (KD) Thomas Bodström (S) Lars Ohly * (V) Mikael Damberg * (S) Désirée Pethrus Engström (KD) Esabelle Dingizian (MP) Göran Pettersson * (M) Kent Ekeroth (SD) Marietta de Pourbaix-Lundin * (M) Hillevi Engström * (M) Eliza Roszkowska Öberg (M) Karin Enström * (M) Nyamko Sabuni (FP) Peter Eriksson (MP) Mikael Sandström (M) Mats Gerdau * (M) Fredrik Schulte * (M) Emma Henriksson (KD) Karl Sigfrid * (M) Isabella Jernbeck * (M) Björn Söder (SD) Amineh Kakabaveh (V) Björn von Sydow * (S) Anna Kinberg Batra * (M) Mikaela Valtersson * (MP) Per Lodenius * (C) Tommy Waidelich * (S) Malin Löfsjögård (M) Maryam Yazdanfar * (S) Kerstin Lundgren * (C) Christina Zedell * (S) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bodström was elected for Örebro in 2006. UPPSALA ==================================================================== Registered voters: 253,764 Votes cast: 217,595 85.8 Invalid votes: 2,565 01.2 Valid votes: 215,030 98.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 64,750 30.1 +03.6 4 +1 Liberal People's Party (FP) 16,878 07.9 -01.3 1 Centre Party (C) 17,838 08.3 -01.6 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 12,265 05.7 -00.9 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 111,731 52.0 -00.1 7 +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 58,862 27.4 -03.5 3 -1 Green Party (MP) 18,993 08.8 +02.6 1 Left Party (V) 11,845 05.5 -00.2 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 89,700 41.7 -01.2 5 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 10,003 04.7 +02.4 1 +1 Others 3,596 01.7 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 215,030 13 +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Per Bill * (M) Pyry Niemi (S) Agneta Gille * (S) Marta Obminska (M) Lars Isovaara (SD) Mikael Oscarsson * (KD) Jacob Johnson * (V) Thomas Östros * (S) Ismail Kamil (FP) Jessika Vilhelmsson (M) Ulrika Karlsson * (M) Solveig Zander * (C) Helena Leander * (MP) -------------------------------------------------------------------- VÄRMLAND ==================================================================== Registered voters: 213,239 Votes cast: 179,376 84.1 Invalid votes: 2,161 01.2 Valid votes: 177,215 98.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 45,578 25.7 +04.8 3 +1 Liberal People's Party (FP) 10,652 06.0 00.0 1 Centre Party (C) 13,379 07.6 -02.4 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 8,312 04.7 -01.1 - -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 77,921 44.0 +01.3 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 68,520 38.7 -03.3 5 Green Party (MP) 9,997 05.6 +01.8 1 +1 Left Party (V) 10,231 05.8 -00.7 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 88,748 50.1 -02.2 7 +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 8,502 04.8 +01.9 - Others 2,044 01.2 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 177,215 12 +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bengt Berg (V) Christian Holm * (M) Stina Bergström (MP) Ann-Kristine Johansson * (S) Erik A Eriksson * (C) Lars Mejern Larsson * (S) Jonas Gunnarsson (S) Nina Larsson * (FP) Pia Hallström (M) Jan-Evert Rådhström * (M) Berit Högman * (S) Gunilla Svantorp (S) -------------------------------------------------------------------- VÄSTERBOTTEN ==================================================================== Registered voters: 201,902 Votes cast: 172,378 85.4 Invalid votes: 1,780 01.0 Valid votes: 170,598 99.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 30,184 17.7 +04.0 2 +1 Liberal People's Party (FP) 10,296 06.0 -00.3 1 Centre Party (C) 12,699 07.4 -04.3 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 9,125 05.4 -01.1 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 62,304 36.5 -01.8 5 +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 72,008 42.2 -01.7 4 -1 Green Party (MP) 12,246 07.2 +01.3 1 Left Party (V) 17,034 10.0 +01.6 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 101,288 59.4 +01.3 6 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 4,651 02.7 +01.6 - Others 2,355 01.4 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 170,598 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Jabar Amin (MP) Maud Olofsson * (C) Ibrahim Baylan * (S) Helén Pettersson * (S) Elisabeth Björnsdotter Rahm (M) Edward Riedl (M) Isak From (S) Anders Sellström (KD) Katarina Köhler (S) Jonas Sjöstedt (V) Maria Lundqvist-Brömster * (FP) -------------------------------------------------------------------- VÄSTERNORRLAND ==================================================================== Registered voters: 191,150 Votes cast: 161,665 84.6 Invalid votes: 1,690 01.1 Valid votes: 159,975 98.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 34,550 21.6 +04.4 2 Liberal People's Party (FP) 8,253 05.2 -00.2 - -1 Centre Party (C) 11,185 07.0 -03.6 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 6,983 04.4 -01.3 - -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 60,971 38.1 -00.7 3 -2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 70,341 44.0 -02.0 5 Green Party (MP) 8,757 05.5 +01.7 - Left Party (V) 9,642 06.0 -00.6 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 88,640 55.5 -01.0 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 7,264 04.5 +02.3 - Others 3,000 01.9 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 153,417 9 -2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Lena Asplund * (M) Eva Lohman (M) Emil Källström (C) Ingemar Nilsson (S) Susanne Eberstein * (S) Jasenko Omanovic * (S) Christina Karlsson (S) Eva Sonidsson * (S) Christina Höj Larsen (MP) -------------------------------------------------------------------- VÄSTMANLAND ==================================================================== Registered voters: 192,258 Votes cast: 162,166 84.4 Invalid votes: 2,023 01.2 Valid votes: 160,143 98.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 43,462 27.1 +03.9 3 +1 Liberal People's Party (FP) 12,016 07.5 -00.6 1 Centre Party (C) 8,266 05.2 -01.7 - -1 Christian Democrats (KD) 7,406 04.6 -01.1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 71,150 44.4 +00.4 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 58,222 36.4 -03.4 4 Green Party (MP) 9,459 05.9 +01.7 1 +1 Left Party (V) 9,154 05.7 -00.5 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 76,835 48.0 -02.3 6 +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 9,992 06.2 +03.7 1 +1 Others 2,166 01.4 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 160,143 11 +2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Staffan Anger * (M) Kent Persson * (V) Åsa Coenraads (M) Jessica Polfjärd * (M) Roger Haddad (FP) Margareta Sandstedt (SD) Agneta Luttropp (MP) Olle Thorell * (S) Pia Nilsson * (S) Anna Wallén (S) Sven-Erik Österberg * (S) -------------------------------------------------------------------- VÄSTRA GÖTALAND NORRA ==================================================================== Registered voters: 205,328 Votes cast: 175,170 85.3 Invalid votes: 2,310 01.3 Valid votes: 172,860 98.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 46,582 27.0 +05.8 3 +1 Liberal People's Party (FP) 13,393 07.8 +00.3 1 Centre Party (C) 11,449 06.6 -02.3 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 11,092 06.4 -01.7 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 82,516 47.7 +02.1 6 +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 56,060 32.4 -06.1 3 -1 Green Party (MP) 12,003 06.9 +02.2 1 Left Party (V) 9,907 05.7 -00.1 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 77,970 45.1 -04.0 5 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 10,513 06.1 +03.3 1 +1 Others 1,861 01.1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 172,860 12 +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik Almqvist (SD) Peter Jonsson * (S) Anita Brodén * (FP) Christina Oskarsson (S) Mikael Cederbratt * (M) Annika Qarlsson * (C) Rossana Dinamarca * (V) Peter Rådberg * (MP) Penilla Gunther (KD) Henrik Ripa (M) Jörgen Hellman * (S) Camilla Waltersson Grönvall (M) -------------------------------------------------------------------- VÄSTRA GÖTALAND ÖSTRA ==================================================================== Registered voters: 200,322 Votes cast: 170,910 85.3 Invalid votes: 2,349 01.4 Valid votes: 168,561 98.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 47,049 27.9 +04.4 3 Liberal People's Party (FP) 10,387 06.2 +00.7 1 Centre Party (C) 13,914 08.3 -02.1 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 11,092 06.6 -01.6 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 82,442 48.9 +02.3 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 57,095 33.9 -04.5 4 Green Party (MP) 9,440 05.6 +02.0 - Left Party (V) 8,223 04.9 -00.2 - -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 74,758 44.4 -02.8 4 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 9,725 05.8 +02.7 - Others 1,636 01.0 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 168,561 10 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Urban Ahlin * (S) Lars Elinderson * (M) Sten Bergheden (M) Monica Green * (S) Patrik Björck * (S) Carina Ohlsson * (S) Ulrika Carlsson * (C) Cecilia Widegren * (M) Annika Eclund (KD) Christer Winbäck * (FP) -------------------------------------------------------------------- VÄSTRA GÖTALAND SÖDRA ==================================================================== Registered voters: 144,186 Votes cast: 122,673 85.1 Invalid votes: 1,486 01.2 Valid votes: 121,187 98.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 34,334 28.3 +04.3 3 +1 Liberal People's Party (FP) 8,883 07.3 +00.8 - Centre Party (C) 9,273 07.7 -01.8 - -1 Christian Democrats (KD) 7,745 06.4 -01.6 - -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 60,235 49.7 +01.6 3 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 37,817 31.2 -04.5 3 Green Party (MP) 7,315 06.0 +02.1 - Left Party (V) 6,136 05.1 -00.4 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 51,268 42.3 -02.9 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 8,350 07.0 +03.7 - Others 1,334 01.1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 121,187 6 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ann-Christin Ahlberg * (S) Ulrik Nilsson (M) Phia Andersson * (S) Hans Olsson * (S) Jan Ericson * (M) Cecilie Tenfjord-Toftby (M) -------------------------------------------------------------------- VÄSTRA GÖTALAND VÄSTRA ==================================================================== Registered voters: 264,666 Votes cast: 227,791 86.1 Invalid votes: 2,754 01.2 Valid votes: 225,037 98.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Party votes % change seats -------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderates (M) 73,853 32.8 +06.4 4 Liberal People's Party (FP) 20,194 09.0 -00.6 1 Centre Party (C) 13,563 06.0 -01.3 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 16,525 07.3 -01.4 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Right 124,135 55.2 +03.1 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democrats (S) 59,477 26.4 -05.7 3 -1 Green Party (MP) 15,794 07.0 +02.2 1 Left Party (V) 10,506 04.7 -00.6 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Left 85,777 38.1 -04.1 5 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish Democrats (SD) 12,504 05.6 +02.6 1 Others 2,621 01.2 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 225,037 13 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Members elected: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Catharina Bråkenhielm * (S) Maria Plass * (M) Stefan Caplan (M) Johnny Skalin (SD) Tina Ehn * (MP) Lars-Arne Staxäng * (M) Kenneth G Forslund * (S) Åsa Torstensson * (C) Wiwi-Anne Johansson * (V) Lars Tysklind * (FP) Ellen Juntti (M) Roland Utbult (KD) Jan-Olof Larsson * (S) --------------------------------------------------------------------