SPAIN LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 10 NOVEMBER 2019 =============================================================================== Elections to the Congress of Deputies Source: Spanish Interior Ministry Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BNG - Bloque Nacionalista Galego (Galician Nationalist Bloc) * Cs - Ciudadanos (Citizens) * CC - Coalicion Canaria (Coalition of the Canaries) * CUP - Candidatura d'Unitat Popular (Popular Unity Candidacy) * EAJ - Euzko Alderdi Jeltzalea (Basque Nationalist Party) * ECP - En Comu Podem (In Common We Can) * ECP-GC - En Comu Podem-Guanyem El Canvi (In Common We Can - Let's Win Change) * EHB - Euskal Herria Bildu (Basque Country Unite) * ERC-Sob - Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya - Sobiranistes (Republican Left of Catalonia-Sovereigntists) * JxCat - Junts per Catalunya (Together for Catalonia) * MC - Mes Compromis (More Commitment) * MP-E - Mas Pais-Equo (More Country-Greens) * NA+ - Navarra Suma (Sum Navarre) * P-IU - Podemos-Izquierda Unida (We Can-United Left) * PP - Partido Popular (People's Party) * PRC - Partido Regionalista de Cantabria (Regionalist Party of Cantabria) * PSOE - Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol (Spanish Socialist Workers' Party) * TE - Teruel Existe (Teruel Exists) * Vox (Voice) NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS =============================================================================== Registered voters: 37,001,379 Total votes: 24,507,715 66.2 -05.6 Invalid votes: 249,487 01.0 -00.1 Valid votes: 24,258,228 99.0 -00.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG) 120,456 00.5 +00.1 1 +01 Citizens (Cs) 1,650,318 06.8 -09.1 10 -47 Coalition of the Canaries (CC) 124,289 00.5 +00.2 2 Popular Unity Candidacy (CUP) 246,971 01.0 2 +02 Basque Nationalist Party (EAJ) 379,002 01.6 +00.1 6 In Common We Can (ECP) 188,231 00.8 -01.6 2 -05 We Can - Let's Win Change (ECP-GC) 549,173 02.3 -00.1 7 Basque Country Unite (EHB) 277,621 01.1 +00.1 5 +01 Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC-Sob) 874,859 03.6 -00.3 13 -02 Together for Catalonia (JxCat) 530,225 02.2 +00.3 8 +01 More Commitment (MC) 176,287 00.7 1 More Country-Greens (MP-E) 330,345 01.4 2 +02 Sum Navarre (NA+) 99,078 00.4 2 We Can-United Left (P-IU) 2,381,960 09.8 -01.3 26 -07 People's Party (PP) 5,047,040 20.8 +04.1 89 +23 Regionalist Party of Cantabria (PRC) 68,830 00.3 +00.1 1 Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 6,792,199 28.0 -00.7 120 -03 Teruel Exists (TE) 19,761 00.1 1 +01 Voice (Vox) 3,656,979 15.1 +04.8 52 +28 Others 2,372,506 09.2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 25,886,130 350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------