SPAIN LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 20 NOVEMBER 2011 ============================================================================ Elections to the Congress of Deputies Source: Spanish Interior Ministry Parties ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Amaiur (the name of a town in the Basque Country) * BIV - Bloc-Iniciativa-Verds (Bloc-Initiative-Greens) * BNG - Bloque Nacionalista Galego (Galician National Bloc) * CC - Coalición Canaria (Coalition of the Canaries) * CiU - Convergència i Unió (Convergence and Unity) * EAJ - Euzko Alderdi Jeltzalea (Basque Nationalist Party) * ERC - Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (Republican Left of Catalonia) * FAC - Foro Asturias Ciudadanos (Asturian Citizens’ Forum) * GB - Geroa Bai (Yes to the Future) * IU - Izquierda Unida (United Left) * PP - Partido Popular (People's Party) * PRC - Partido Regionalista de Cantabria (Regionalist Party of Cantabria) * PSM-IV - Partit Socialista de Mallorca - Iniciativa Verds (Socialist Party of Majorca – Greens Initiative) * PSOE - Partido Socialista Obrero Español (Spanish Socialist Workers' Party) * UPyD - Unión Progreso y Democracia (Union of Progress and Democracy) NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ============================================================================ Registered voters: 34,301,332 Total votes: 24,590,557 71.7 Invalid votes: 650,981 02.6 Valid votes: 23,939,576 97.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % from 2008 Seats ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amaiur 333,628 01.4 7 +07 Bloc-Initiative-Greens (BIV) 125,150 00.5 1 +01 Galician National Bloc (BNG) 183,279 00.8 00.0 2 Coalition of the Canaries (CC) 143,550 00.6 -00.1 2 Convergence and Unity (CiU) 1,014,263 04.2 +01.2 16 +06 Basque Nationalist Party (EAJ) 323,517 01.3 +00.1 5 -01 Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC) 256,393 01.1 -00.1 3 Asturian Citizens’ Forum (FA) 99,173 00.4 1 +01 Yes to the Future (GB) 41,411 00.2 1 +01 United Left (IU) 1,680,810 06.9 +03.1 11 +09 People's Party (PP) 10,830,693 44.6 +04.7 186 +32 Socialist Party (PSOE) 6,973,880 28.7 -15.2 110 -59 Union of Progress (UPyD) 1,142,242 04.7 +03.5 5 +04 Others 791,587 03.3 - -01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 23,939,576 350 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------