REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 3 JUNE 2018 ========================================================================== Elections to the Drzavni Zbor (State Chamber) Source: Republic of Slovenia website Parties -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DeSUS - Demokraticna Stranka Upokojencev Slovenije (Democratic Party of Retired People of Slovenia) * Levica (Left) * LMS - Lista Marjana Sarca (List of Marjana Sarca) * SAB - Stranka Alenke Bratušek (Alliance of Alenka Bratušek) * SD - Socialni Demokrati (Social Democrats) * SDS - Slovenska Demokratska Stranka (Slovenian Democratic Party) * SMC - Stranka Modernega Centre (Party of the Modern Centre) * * SNS - Slovenska Nacionalna Strsnka (Slovene National Party) * Formerly Party of Miro Cerar NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ========================================================================== Registered voters: 1,712,676 Votes cast: 901,454 52.6 Invalid votes: 10,357 01.2 Valid votes: 891,097 98.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Deputies -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired People of Slovenia (DeSUS) 43,889 04.9 -05.3 5 -05 Left (Levica) 83,108 09.3 +03.3 9 +03 List of Marjana Sarca (LMS) 112,250 12.6 13 +13 New Slovenia (NS-KLS) 63,792 07.2 +01.6 7 +02 Party of Alenka Bratušek (SAB) 45,492 05.1 +00.7 5 +01 Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) 222,042 24.9 +04.2 25 +04 Social Democrats (SD) 88,524 09.9 +03.9 10 +04 Party of the Modern Centre (SMC) 86,868 09.8 -24.7 10 -26 Slovene National Party (SNS) 37,182 04.2 4 +04 Others 107,950 12.1 - Ethnic commmunities 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 891,097 90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hungarian and Italian communities each elect one Deputy --------------------------------------------------------------------------