REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 8 OCTOBER 2008 ========================================================================== Elections to the Drzavni Zbor (State Chamber) Source: Republic of Slovenia website Parties -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DeSUS - Demokraticna Stranka Upokojencev Slovenije (Democratic Party of Retired People of Slovenia) * LDS - Liberalna Demokracija Slovenije (Liberal Democracy of Slovenia) * SD - Socialni Demokrati (Social Democrats) * SDS - Slovenska Demokratska Stranka (Slovenian Democratic Party) * SLS - Slovenska Ljudska Stranka (Slovenian People's Party) * SNS - Slovenska Nacionalna Stranka (Slovenian National Party) * Z-NP - Zares - Nova Politika (For Real - New Politics) PRELIMINARY SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ========================================================================== Registered voters: 1,696,437 Votes cast: 1,070,523 63.1 Invalid votes: 18,597 01.7 Valid votes: 1,051,827 98.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Deputies -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Real - New Politics (Z-NP) 98,526 09.4 9 Liberal Democracy of Slovenia (LDS) 54,771 05.2 -17.6 5 -18 Retired People of Slovenia (DeSUS) 78,353 07.5 +03.5 7 +03 Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) 307,735 29.3 +00.2 28 -01 Slovenian National Party (SNS) 56,832 05.4 -00.9 5 -01 Slovenian People's Party (SLS) 54,809 05.2 -01.6 5 -02 Social Democrats (SD) 320,248 30.5 +20.3 29 +19 Others 80,553 07.7 - -09 Ethnic commmunities 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,051,827 90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hungarian and Italian communities each elect one Deputy --------------------------------------------------------------------------