REPUBLIC OF SERBIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 21 JUNE 2020 ===================================================================================== Elections to the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Source:, media websites Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ADA - Albanska Demokratska Alternativa / Alternativa Demokratike Shqiptare (Albanian Democratic Alternative) * AV-ZND - Aleksandar Vucic - Za Nasu Decu (Aleksandar Vucic – For Our Children) * PzS - Pobeda Za Srbiju (Victory for Serbia) * Koalicija SPS-JS (Coalition SPS-JS) > Socijalisticka Partija Srbije (Socialist Party of Serbia) > JS - Jedinstvena Srbija (United Serbia) * M2020 - Metla 2020 (Broom 2020) * SDAS - Stranka Demokratske Akcije Sandzaka (Party of Democratic Action of Sandzak) * SPP-DPM - Stranka Pravde i Pomirenja-Demokratska Partija Makedonaca (Party of Justice and Reconciliation-Democratic Party of Macedonians) * SRS - Srpska Radikalna Stranka (Serbian Radical Party) * SSZ - Srpska Stranka Zavetnici (Serbian Defence Party) * Suverenisti (Sovereigntists) * UDS - Ujedinjena Demokratska Srbija (United Democratic Serbia) * VMS - Vajdasagi Magyar Szovetseg / Savez Vojvođanskih Madjara (Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians) * ZdP - Zdravo da pobedi (Hello to Victory) * ZKS - Za Kraljevinu Srbiju (For the Kingdom of Serbia) NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ===================================================================================== Enrolled voters: 6,584,376 Votes cast: 3,159,890 48.0 Invalid votes: 120,384 03.8 Valid votes: 3,039,506 96.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Albanian Democratic Alternative (ADA) 25,303 00.8 3 +3 Aleksandar Vucic - For Our Children (AV-ZND) 1,917,421 63.1 +14.8 189 +58 Broom 2020 (M2020) 71,120 02.3 - Victory for Serbia (PzS) 121,867 04.0 12 Party of Democratic Action of Sandzak (SDAS) 20,616 00.7 -00.1 2 Party of Justice and Reconciliation (SPP-DPM) 28,517 00.9 3 +03 Coalition SPS-JS 327,130 10.8 -00.2 32 +03 Serbian Radical Party (SRS) 65,397 02.2 -05.9 - -22 Sovereigntists 73,460 02.4 - Serbian Defence Party (SSZ) 45,786 01.5 - United Democratic Serbia (UDS) 30,416 01.0 - Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (VMS) 70,675 02.3 +00.8 9 +05 Hello to Victory (ZdP) 33,225 01.1 - For the Kingdom of Serbia (ZKS) 83,237 02.7 - Others 125,335 04.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,039,506 250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------