REPUBLIC OF SENEGAL LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 1 JULY 2012 ========================================================================= Source: Senegal Press Agency Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BBY - Benno Bokk Yakaar (United in Hope) * CPJE - Convergence Patriotique pour la Justice et Equite (Patriotic Convergence for Justice and Equity * MCRN - Mouvement Citoyen pour la Refondation Nationale (Citizen Movement for National Reform) * MPS - Mouvement Patriotique Senegalais (Senegalese Patriotic Movement) * MRDS - Mouvement Republicain pour le Socialisme et la Democratie (Republican Movement for Socialism and Democracy) * PADS - Parti Africain pour la Democratie et le Socialisme (African Party for Democracy and Socialism) * PDS - Parti Democratique Senegalais (Senegalese Democratic Party) * PEC - Parti de l’Emergence Citoyenne (Party for the Emergence of Citizens) * PVD - Parti pour la Verite et le Developpement (Party for Truth and Development) * URD - Union pour le Renouveau Democratique (Union for Democratic Renewal) NATIONAL SUMMARY ========================================================================= Registered Voters: 5,368,783 Votes cast: 1,968,852 Invalid votes: 7,076 Valid votes: 1,961,776 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------- United in Hope (BBY) 1,040,899 53.1 119 Bokk Giss Giss 143,180 07.3 4 Patriotic Convergence for Justice and Equity (CPJE) 20,762 01.1 1 Citizen Movement for National Reform (CRN) 113,321 05.8 4 Deggo Souxali Transport Ak Commerce 18,859 01.0 1 Leeral Coalition 17,791 00.9 1 Senegalese Patriotic Movement (MPS) 21,868 01.1 1 Republican Mvt for Socialism and Democracy (MRDS) 70,655 03.6 2 African Party for Democracy and Socialism (PADS) 15,889 00.8 1 Senegalese Democratic Party (PDS) 298,846 15.2 12 Party for the Emergence of Citizens (PEC) 20,671 01.1 1 Party for Truth and Development (PVD) 48,553 02.5 2 Union for Democratic Renewal (URD) 21,964 01.1 1 Others 108,518 05.5 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,961,776 150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------