RUSSIAN FEDERATION LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 2 DECEMBER 2007 ========================================================================================= Elections to the Gosudarstvennaya Duma (State Council or State Duma) Source: Russian Electoral Commission Parties ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * APR - Agrarnaya Partiya Rossii (Agrarian Party of Russia) * ER - Edinaya Rossiya (United Russia) * GS - Grazhdanskaya Sila (Civilian Power) * KPRF - Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) * LDPR - Liberalno Demokraticheskaya Partiya Rossii (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia) * SR - Spravedlivaya Rossiya (Fair Russia) * RDP - Rossiyskaya Demokraticheskaya Partiya "Yabloko" (Russian Democratic Party "Yabloko") NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ========================================================================================= Enrolled voters: 109,145,517 Votes cast: 69,537,065 63.7 Invalid votes: 759,929 01.0 Valid votes: 68,777,136 98.9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party or coalition Votes % Seats ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agrarian Party of Russia (APR) 1,600,234 02.3 — United Russia (ER) 44,714,241 64.3 315 Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) 8,046,886 11.6 57 Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) 5,660,823 08.1 40 Russian Democratic Party "Yabloko" (RDP) 1,108,985 01.6 — Fair Russia (SR) 5,383,639 07.7 38 Civilian Power (GS) 733,604 01.0 — Parties polling less than 1% 1,528,724 02.2 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 68,777,136 450 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since these elections were totally fraudulent, and mark the conclusion of Russia's reversion to dictatorship under President Vladimir Putin, only a national summary is provided.