REPUBLIC OF POLAND PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION OF 21 OCTOBER 2007 ========================================================================================== Elections to the Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Assembly of the Republic of Poland) Source: Polish National Election Commission website Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * LiD - Lewica i Demokraci (Left and Democrats) * LPR - Liga Polskich Rodzin (League of Polish Families) * MN - Mniejszosc Niemiecka (German Minority) * PiS - Prawo i Sprawieliwosc (Law and Justice) * PO - Platforma Obywatelska (Citizens' Platform) * PSL - Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe (Polish People's Party) * SRP - Samoobrona Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej (Self-Defence of the Polish Republic) NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ========================================================================================== Votes and seats are compared with those in the September 2005 elections ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Registered voters: 30,615,471 Votes cast: 16,477,734 53.8 Invalid votes: 335,532 02.0 Valid votes: 16,142,202 98.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Change Seats Change ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Citizens' Platform (PO) 6,701,010 41.5 +17.4 209 +76 German Minority (MN) 32,462 00.2 -00.1 1 -01 Law and Justice (PiS) 5,183,477 32.1 +05.1 166 +11 League of Polish Families (LPR) 209,171 01.3 -06.7 - -34 Left and Democrats (LiD) 2,122,981 13.1 +01.8 53 -02 Polish People's Party (PSL) 1,437,638 08.9 +01.9 31 +06 Self-Defence of the Republic of Poland (SRP) 247,335 01.5 -09.9 - -56 Others 208,128 02.3 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 16,142,202 460 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------