REPUBLIC OF POLAND LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 27 OCTOBER 1991 ============================================================================= Elections to the Sejm Source: Essex University Parties ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CD - Chrzescijanska Demokracja (Christian Democrats) * JL - Jednosc Ludowa (Peasant Unity) * KKSP - Krakowska Koalicja Solidarni z Prezydentem (Krakow Coalition of Solidarity with the President) * KLD - Kongres Liberalno-Demokratyczny (Liberal Democratic Congress) * KPN - Konfederacja Polski Niepodleglej (Confederation for an Independent Poland) * KWP - Komitet Wyborczy Prawoslawnych (Electoral Committee of Orthodox Believers) * LPW - Ludowe Porozumienie Wyborcze (Peasant Election Alliance) * MN - Mniejszosc Niemiecka (German Minority) * NSZZ-S - Niezalezny Samorzadny Zwiazek Zawodowy - Solidarnosc (Independent Self-Governing Trade Union - Solidarity) * PCD - Partia Chrzescijanskich Demokratów (Party of Christian Democrats) * PL - Porozumienie Ludowe (Peasant Accord) * POC - Porozumienie Obywatelskie Centrum (Citizen's Centre Agreement) * PPPP - Polska Partia Przyjaciól Piwa (Polish Party of Friends of Beer) * PSL-SP - Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe - Sojusz Programowy (Polish Peasant Party - Programmatic Alliance) * PX - Partia X (Party X) * PZZ - Polski Zwiazek Zachodni (Polish Western Union) * RAS - Ruch Autonomii Slaska (Silesian Autonomy Movement) * RDS - Ruch Demokratyczno-Spolecny (Democratic-Social Movement) * S 80 - Solidarnosc 80 (Solidarity 80) * SD - Stronnictwo Demokratyczne (Democratic Party) * SKPTZ - Sojusz Kobiet Przeciw Trudnosciom Zycia (Alliance of Women Against Life's Hardships) * SLD - Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (Democratic Left Alliance) * SP - Solidarnosc Pracy (Labour Solidarity) * UD - Unia Demokratyczna (Democratic Union) * UPR - Unia Polityki Realnej (Union of Political Realists) * UWL - Unia Wielkopolan - i Lubuszan (Union of Great Poles) * WAK - Wyborcza Akcja Katolicka (Catholic Election Action) * WPP - Wielkopolska i Polska (Great Poland and Poland) * ZP - Zwiazek Podhalan (Podhalan Union) NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ============================================================================= Registered voters: 27,516,166 Total votes: 11,887,949 43.2 Invalid votes: 669,347 05.6 Valid votes: 11,218,602 94.4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Seats ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alliance of Women against Life's Hardships (SKPTZ) 1,922 00.0 1 Catholic Election Action (WAK) 980,304 08.7 49 Christian Democrats (CD) 265,179 02.2 5 Citizen's Centre Agreement (POC) 977,344 08.7 44 Confederation for an Independent Poland (KPN) 841,738 07,5 46 Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) 1,344,820 12.0 60 Democratic Party (SD) 159,017 01.4 1 Democratic-Social Movement (RDS) 51,656 00.5 1 Democratic Union (DU) 1,382,051 12.3 62 Electoral Committee of Orthodox Believers (KWP) 13,788 00.1 1 German Minority (MN) 132,059 01.2 7 Great Poland and Poland (WPP) 23,188 00.2 1 Independent Self-Governing Trade Union - Solidarity 566,553 05.0 27 Krakow Coalition of Solidarity with the President (KKSP) 27,586 00.2 1 Labour Solidarity (SP) 230,975 02.1 4 Liberal Democratic Congress (KLD) 839,978 07.5 37 Party of Christian Democrats (PCD) 125,314 01.1 4 Party X (PX) 52,735 00.5 3 Peasant Accord (PL) 613,626 05.5 28 Peasant Election Alliance (LPW) 42,031 00.4 1 Peasant Unity (JL) 18,902 00.2 1 Podhalan Union (ZP) 26,744 00.2 1 Polish Party of Friends of Beer (PPPP) 367,106 03.0 16 Polish Peasant Party - PA (PSL-SP) 972,952 08.7 48 Polish Western Union (PZZ) 26,053 00.2 4 Silesian Autonomy Movement (RAS) 40,061 00.4 2 Solidarity 80 (S 80) 12,769 00.1 1 Union of Great Poles (UWL) 9,019 00.1 1 Union of Political Realists (UPR) 253,024 02.2 3 Others 820,108 07.3 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 11,218,602 460 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------