KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 15 MARCH 2017 ================================================================ Elections to the Tweede Kamer (Second Chamber) of the Stats Generaal (Parliament) Source: Parties ---------------------------------------------------------------- * CDA - Christen Democratisch Appel (Christian Democratic Appeal) * CU - ChristenUnie (Christian Union) * D66 - Democraten 66 (Democrats 66) * DENK (Equality) * FD - Forum voor Democratie (Forum for Democracy) * GL - Groen Links (Green Left) * PvdA - Partij van de Arbeid (Labour Party) * PvdD - Partij voor de Dieren (Party for the Animals) * PVV - Partij voor de Vrijheid (Freedom Party) * SGP - Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij (Political Reformed Party) * SP - Socialistische Partij (Socialist Party) * VVD - Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie (People's Party for Freedom and Democracy) VOTING BY DISTRICT ================================================================ The Second Chamber is elected by proportional representation from nationwide party lists. These tables appear for informational purposes only. AMSTERDAM ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 585,340 Votes cast: 461,939 78.9 Invalid votes: 3,914 00.8 Valid votes: 458,025 99.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 13,562 03.0 +00.8 Christian Union (CU) 6,833 01.5 +00.7 Democrats 66 86,410 18.9 +03.7 Equality (DENK) 31,512 06.9 Forum for Democracy (FD) 5,707 01.2 Green Left (GL) 90,572 19.8 +15.4 Labour Party (PvdA) 38,279 08.4 -27.5 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 27,553 06.0 +02.9 Freedom Party (PVV) 31,260 06.8 +00.7 Socialist Party (PS) 29,326 06.4 -02.8 Reformed Party (SGP) 687 00.1 00.0 50PLUS 8,904 01.9 +00.5 People's Party (VVD) 70,249 15.3 -04.1 Others 17,171 03.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 458,025 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 158,177 34.5 -16.0 Liberal parties [2] 160,086 35.0 +15.3 Conservative parties [3] 91,331 19.9 -02.6 Populist party [4] 31,260 06.8 +00.7 Others 17,171 03.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- ARNHEM ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 1,150,772 Votes cast: 962,205 83.6 Invalid votes: 3,306 00.3 Valid votes: 958,899 99.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 143,649 15.0 +04.6 Christian Union (CU) 51,494 05.4 +00.4 Democrats 66 110,303 11.5 +04.2 Equality (DENK) 13,235 01.4 Forum for Democracy (FD) 13,732 01.4 Green Left (GL) 76,181 07.9 +05.7 Labour Party (PvdA) 51,980 05.4 -18.5 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 26,605 02.8 +01.1 Freedom Party (PVV) 106,641 11.1 +03.0 Socialist Party (PS) 83,684 08.7 -00.3 Reformed Party (SGP) 41,081 04.3 +00.1 50PLUS 26,993 02.8 +01.2 People's Party (VVD) 201,913 21.1 -04.8 Others 11,408 01.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 958,899 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 211,845 22.1 -13.0 Liberal parties [2] 190,868 19.9 +09.3 Conservative parties [3] 438,137 45.7 +00.2 Populist party [4] 106,641 11.1 +03.0 Others 11,408 01.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- ASSEN ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 362,009 Votes cast: 317,404 87.7 Invalid votes: 962 00.3 Valid votes: 316,442 99.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 45,692 14.4 +04.6 Christian Union (CU) 14,449 04.6 +00.4 Democrats 66 32,412 10.2 +04.3 Equality (DENK) 900 00.3 Forum for Democracy (FD) 5,744 01.8 Green Left (GL) 24,546 07.8 +06.0 Labour Party (PvdA) 27,129 08.6 -24.2 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 8,107 02.6 +01.1 Freedom Party (PVV) 40,798 12.9 +04.6 Socialist Party (PS) 37,744 11.9 +02.8 Reformed Party (SGP) 2,460 00.8 +00.1 50PLUS 11,178 03.5 +02.1 People's Party (VVD) 61,555 19.5 -04.2 Others 3,728 01.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 316,442 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 89,419 28.3 -15.4 Liberal parties [2] 58,341 18.4 +09.6 Conservative parties [3] 124,156 39.2 +00.8 Populist party [4] 40,798 12.9 +04.6 Others 3,728 01.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- BONAIRE ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 14,717 Votes cast: 3,452 23.5 Invalid votes: 96 02.8 Valid votes: 3,356 97.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 791 23.6 +07.4 Christian Union (CU) 100 03.0 -01.4 Democrats 66 869 25.9 +09.1 Equality (DENK) 16 00.5 Forum for Democracy (FD) 45 01.3 Green Left (GL) 299 08.9 +06.3 Labour Party (PvdA) 239 07.1 -16.9 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 118 03.5 +01.1 Freedom Party (PVV) 141 04.2 +01.3 Socialist Party (PS) 185 05.5 -02.0 Reformed Party (SGP) 12 00.4 00.0 50PLUS 45 01.3 -00.7 People's Party (VVD) 416 12.4 -05.8 Others 80 02.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,356 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 723 21.5 -12.6 Liberal parties [2] 1,093 32.6 +11.4 Conservative parties [3] 1,319 39.3 00.0 Populist party [4] 141 04.2 +01.3 Others 80 02.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- DEN HELDER ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 731,401 Votes cast: 631,911 86.4 Invalid votes: 2,679 00.4 Valid votes: 629,232 99.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 67,981 10.8 +03.4 Christian Union (CU) 10,658 01.7 +00.3 Democrats 66 74,524 11.8 +03.6 Equality (DENK) 8,467 01.3 Forum for Democracy (FD) 14,960 02.4 Green Left (GL) 56,749 09.0 +06.9 Labour Party (PvdA) 40,400 06.4 -18.2 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 23,459 03.7 +01.4 Freedom Party (PVV) 84,026 13.4 +03.1 Socialist Party (PS) 51,971 08.3 -00.7 Reformed Party (SGP) 2,354 00.4 +00.1 50PLUS 23,584 03.7 +01.0 People's Party (VVD) 157,892 25.1 -06.4 Others 12,207 01.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 629,232 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 149,120 23.7 -12.0 Liberal parties [2] 144,994 23.0 +10.8 Conservative parties [3] 238,885 38.0 -02.6 Populist party [4] 84,026 13.4 +03.1 Others 12,207 01.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- DORDRECHT ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 963,307 Votes cast: 789,744 82.0 Invalid votes: 3,466 00.4 Valid votes: 786,278 99.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 92,959 11.8 +03.9 Christian Union (CU) 36,671 04.7 +00.1 Democrats 66 75,028 09.5 +03.3 Equality (DENK) 17,975 02.3 Forum for Democracy (FD) 17,206 02.2 Green Left (GL) 51,707 06.6 +05.0 Labour Party (PvdA) 39,469 05.0 -16.1 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 22,221 02.8 +00.8 Freedom Party (PVV) 126,445 16.1 +03.6 Socialist Party (PS) 57,519 07.3 -00.3 Reformed Party (SGP) 38,771 04.9 -00.2 50PLUS 27,046 03.4 +01.3 People's Party (VVD) 171,323 21.8 -06.2 Others 11,938 01.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 786,278 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 148,695 18.9 -11.9 Liberal parties [2] 159,476 20.3 +10.0 Conservative parties [3] 339,724 43.2 -02.4 Populist party [4] 126,445 16.1 +03.6 Others 11,938 01.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- GRONINGEN ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 457,846 Votes cast: 372,136 81.3 Invalid votes: 1,320 00.4 Valid votes: 370,816 99.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 42,889 11.6 +03.9 Christian Union (CU) 22,107 06.0 +00.2 Democrats 66 46,674 12.6 +05.0 Equality (DENK) 1,755 00.5 Forum for Democracy (FD) 5,942 01.6 Green Left (GL) 44,067 11.9 +09.1 Labour Party (PvdA) 30,814 08.3 -27.0 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 13,451 03.6 +01.6 Freedom Party (PVV) 41,689 11.2 +04.1 Socialist Party (PS) 51,643 13.9 +02.2 Reformed Party (SGP) 2,771 00.7 -00.1 50PLUS 10,389 02.8 +01.6 People's Party (VVD) 51,477 13.9 -03.3 Others 5,148 01.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 370,816 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 126,524 34.1 -15.7 Liberal parties [2] 78,211 21.1 +10.3 Conservative parties [3] 119,244 32.2 +00.7 Populist party [4] 41,689 11.2 +04.1 Others 5,148 01.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- HAARLEM ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 713,024 Votes cast: 595,881 83.6 Invalid votes: 2,619 00.4 Valid votes: 593,262 99.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 53,575 09.0 +02.8 Christian Union (CU) 13,012 02.2 +00.4 Democrats 66 88,575 14.9 +04.8 Equality (DENK) 9,855 01.7 Forum for Democracy (FD) 12,329 02.1 Green Left (GL) 59,114 10.0 +07.5 Labour Party (PvdA) 36,277 06.1 -17.1 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 23,544 04.0 +01.5 Freedom Party (PVV) 65,936 11.1 +02.2 Socialist Party (PS) 37,332 06.3 -00.7 Reformed Party (SGP) 2,988 00.5 00.0 50PLUS 19,660 03.3 +01.1 People's Party (VVD) 161,682 27.3 -06.9 Others 9,383 01.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 593,262 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 132,723 22.4 -10.3 Liberal parties [2] 153,963 26.0 +11.2 Conservative parties [3] 231,257 39.0 -03.7 Populist party [4] 65,936 11.1 +02.2 Others 9,383 01.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- LEEUWARDEN ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 503,111 Votes cast: 415,012 82.5 Invalid votes: 1,368 00.3 Valid votes: 413,644 99.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 78,348 18.9 +05.1 Christian Union (CU) 21,168 05.1 +00.2 Democrats 66 40,024 09.7 +04.6 Equality (DENK) 914 00.2 Forum for Democracy (FD) 7,537 01.8 Green Left (GL) 34,559 08.4 +06.7 Labour Party (PvdA) 34,672 08.4 -24.7 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 11,969 02.9 +01.3 Freedom Party (PVV) 46,494 11.2 +03.9 Socialist Party (PS) 45,944 11.1 +01.5 Reformed Party (SGP) 3,880 00.9 00.0 50PLUS 11,961 02.9 +01.7 People's Party (VVD) 70,323 17.0 -02.9 Others 5,851 01.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 413,644 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 115,175 27.8 -16.6 Liberal parties [2] 72,405 17.5 +09.6 Conservative parties [3] 173,719 42.0 +02.5 Populist party [4] 46,494 11.2 +03.9 Others 5,851 01.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- LEIDEN ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 917,852 Votes cast: 772,946 84.2 Invalid votes: 3,233 00.4 Valid votes: 769,713 99.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 92,361 12.0 +04.0 Christian Union (CU) 31,528 04.1 +00.4 Democrats 66 97,516 12.7 +04.0 Equality (DENK) 9,331 01.2 Forum for Democracy (FD) 17,061 02.2 Green Left (GL) 62,213 08.1 +06.0 Labour Party (PvdA) 39,299 05.1 -15.4 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 24,001 03.1 +01.0 Freedom Party (PVV) 98,010 12.7 +02.7 Socialist Party (PS) 45,893 06.0 -00.4 Reformed Party (SGP) 24,918 03.2 -00.1 50PLUS 22,810 03.0 +01.0 People's Party (VVD) 193,536 25.1 -07.3 Others 11,236 01.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 769,713 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 147,405 19.2 -09.8 Liberal parties [2] 170,719 22.2 +09.4 Conservative parties [3] 342,343 44.5 -02.9 Populist party [4] 98,010 12.7 +02.7 Others 11,236 01.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- LELYSTAD ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 292,745 Votes cast: 233,294 79.7 Invalid votes: 1,222 00.5 Valid votes: 232,072 99.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Seats ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 24,740 10.7 +04.3 Christian Union (CU) 10,998 04.7 00.0 Democrats 66 23,243 10.0 +04.2 Equality (DENK) 4,971 02.1 Forum for Democracy (FD) 4,985 02.1 Green Left (GL) 18,438 07.9 +06.2 Labour Party (PvdA) 11,873 05.1 -18.2 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 7,399 03.2 +01.2 Freedom Party (PVV) 34,047 14.7 +02.3 Socialist Party (PS) 18,743 08.1 -00.2 Reformed Party (SGP) 9,072 03.9 -00.3 50PLUS 8,930 03.8 +01.7 People's Party (VVD) 47,998 20.7 -08.0 Others 6,635 02.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 232,072 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 49,054 21.1 -12.2 Liberal parties [2] 49,528 21.3 +11.4 Conservative parties [3] 92,808 40.0 +01.3 Populist party [4] 34,047 14.7 +02.3 Others 6,635 02.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- NIJMEGEN ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 429,584 Votes cast: 353,693 82.3 Invalid votes: 1,186 00.3 Valid votes: 352,507 99.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 38,577 10.9 +03.7 Christian Union (CU) 7,087 02.0 +00.3 Democrats 66 46,268 13.1 +04.6 Equality (DENK) 4,794 01.4 Forum for Democracy (FD) 5,391 01.5 Green Left (GL) 39,168 11.1 +08.0 Labour Party (PvdA) 19,284 05.5 -20.0 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 11,123 03.2 +01.4 Freedom Party (PVV) 47,195 13.4 +03.6 Socialist Party (PS) 35,441 10.1 -01.5 Reformed Party (SGP) 12,079 03.4 00.0 50PLUS 9,645 02.7 +01.0 People's Party (VVD) 72,268 20.5 -04.5 Others 4,187 01.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 352,507 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 93,893 26.6 -13.6 Liberal parties [2] 77,221 21.9 +09.9 Conservative parties [3] 130,011 36.9 -00.4 Populist party [4] 47,195 13.4 +03.6 Others 4,187 01.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- MAASTRICHT ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 872,294 Votes cast: 683,413 78.3 Invalid votes: 3,166 00.5 Valid votes: 680,247 99.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 101,630 14.9 +05.2 Christian Union (CU) 4,404 00.6 +00.1 Democrats 66 71,864 10.6 +04.3 Equality (DENK) 7,381 01.1 Forum for Democracy (FD) 13,721 02.0 Green Left (GL) 46,334 06.8 +05.0 Labour Party (PvdA) 27,511 04.0 -17.8 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 19,838 02.9 +01.1 Freedom Party (PVV) 133,224 19.6 +01.9 Socialist Party (PS) 92,857 13.7 -00.7 Reformed Party (SGP) 859 00.1 00.0 50PLUS 31,003 04.6 +02.4 People's Party (VVD) 121,813 17.9 -04.8 Others 7,808 01.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 680,247 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 166,702 24.5 -13.5 Liberal parties [2] 143,807 21.1 +10.8 Conservative parties [3] 228,706 33.6 +00.6 Populist party [4] 133,224 19.6 +01.9 Others 7,808 01.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- MIDDELBURG ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 289,821 Votes cast: 235,525 81.3 Invalid votes: 942 00.4 Valid votes: 234,583 99.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 31,563 13.5 +03.9 Christian Union (CU) 10,692 04.6 +00.4 Democrats 66 19,021 08.1 +03.2 Equality (DENK) 1,579 00.7 Forum for Democracy (FD) 4,067 01.7 Green Left (GL) 14,554 06.2 +04.6 Labour Party (PvdA) 13,203 05.6 -17.4 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 6,808 02.9 +01.1 Freedom Party (PVV) 31,302 13.3 +03.3 Socialist Party (PS) 22,299 09.5 +00.3 Reformed Party (SGP) 22,382 09.5 00.0 50PLUS 8,162 03.5 +01.9 People's Party (VVD) 46,244 19.7 -04.6 Others 2,707 01.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 234,583 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 50,056 21.3 -12.2 Liberal parties [2] 39,637 16.9 +08.6 Conservative parties [3] 110,881 47.3 -00.3 Populist party [4] 31,302 13.3 +03.3 Others 2,707 01.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- ROTTERDAM ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 453,152 Votes cast: 327,657 72.3 Invalid votes: 3,426 01.0 Valid votes: 324,231 99.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 18,813 05.8 +01.4 Christian Union (CU) 7,622 02.4 +00.4 Democrats 66 42,687 13.2 +04.7 Equality (DENK) 25,710 07.9 Forum for Democracy (FD) 5,753 01.8 Green Left (GL) 37,591 11.6 +08.9 Labour Party (PvdA) 20,627 06.4 -25.7 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 12,618 03.9 +01.3 Freedom Party (PVV) 50,759 15.7 +02.3 Socialist Party (PS) 26,830 08.3 -01.6 Reformed Party (SGP) 2,323 00.7 -00.2 50PLUS 10,835 03.3 +01.3 People's Party (VVD) 53,382 16.5 -03.9 Others 8,681 02.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 324,231 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 85,048 26.2 -18.5 Liberal parties [2] 97,603 30.1 +17.0 Conservative parties [3] 82,140 25.3 -02.4 Populist party [4] 50,759 15.7 +02.3 Others 8,681 02.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- 'S-GRAVENHAGE ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 429,255 Votes cast: 324,737 75.7 Invalid votes: 2,104 00.7 Valid votes: 322,633 99.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 19,853 06.2 +01.8 Christian Union (CU) 6,134 01.9 +00.4 Democrats 66 51,649 16.0 +04.2 Equality (DENK) 19,263 06.0 Forum for Democracy (FD) 5,781 01.8 Green Left (GL) 39,242 12.2 +08.7 Labour Party (PvdA) 21,784 06.8 -20.5 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 13,785 04.3 +01.5 Freedom Party (PVV) 45,242 14.0 +02.6 Socialist Party (PS) 17,614 05.5 -02.0 Reformed Party (SGP) 1,638 00.5 00.0 50PLUS 7,850 02.4 +00.8 People's Party (VVD) 67,595 21.0 -05.6 Others 5,203 01.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 322,633 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 78,640 24.4 -13.9 Liberal parties [2] 98,328 30.5 +14.3 Conservative parties [3] 95,220 29.5 -03.5 Populist party [4] 45,242 14.0 +02.6 Others 5,203 01.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- 'S-HERTOGENBOSCH ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 1,047,638 Votes cast: 868,206 82.9 Invalid votes: 3,595 00.4 Valid votes: 864,611 99.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 121,582 14.1 +04.4 Christian Union (CU) 7,737 00.9 +00.3 Democrats 66 101,678 11.8 +03.9 Equality (DENK) 12,538 01.5 Forum for Democracy (FD) 13,239 01.5 Green Left (GL) 64,981 07.5 +05.7 Labour Party (PvdA) 36,700 04.2 -24.3 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 22,146 02.6 +01.1 Freedom Party (PVV) 120,414 13.9 +03.4 Socialist Party (PS) 116,584 13.5 -01.8 Reformed Party (SGP) 1,235 00.1 50PLUS 28,574 03.3 +00.9 People's Party (VVD) 206,227 23.9 -04.6 Others 10,976 01.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 864,611 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 218,265 25.2 -12.7 Liberal parties [2] 178,175 20.6 +08.8 Conservative parties [3] 336,781 39.0 +00.1 Populist party [4] 120,414 13.9 +03.4 Others 10,976 01.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- TILBURG ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 844,388 Votes cast: 669,477 79.3 Invalid votes: 2,908 00.4 Valid votes: 666,569 99.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 82,113 12.3 +04.1 Christian Union (CU) 9,935 01.5 +00.2 Democrats 66 75,574 11.3 +03.6 Equality (DENK) 13,145 02.0 Forum for Democracy (FD) 10,828 01.6 Green Left (GL) 53,960 08.1 +06.3 Labour Party (PvdA) 27,985 04.2 -18.2 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 17,686 02.7 +01.0 Freedom Party (PVV) 103,646 15.5 +03.7 Socialist Party (PS) 71,404 10.7 -01.1 Reformed Party (SGP) 6,350 01.0 00.0 50PLUS 22,625 03.4 +01.0 People's Party (VVD) 162,627 24.4 -04.7 Others 8,691 01.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 666,569 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 153,349 23.0 -13.0 Liberal parties [2] 139,858 21.0 +09.2 Conservative parties [3] 261,025 39.2 -00.4 Populist party [4] 103,646 15.5 +03.7 Others 8,691 01.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- UTRECHT ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 960,520 Votes cast: 814,512 84.8 Invalid votes: 3,143 00.4 Valid votes: 811,369 99.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 86,895 10.7 +03.3 Christian Union (CU) 40,064 04.9 +00.5 Democrats 66 124,167 15.3 +04.4 Equality (DENK) 22,179 02.7 Forum for Democracy (FD) 12,502 01.5 Green Left (GL) 94,721 11.7 +08.1 Labour Party (PvdA) 42,149 05.2 -17.3 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 27,286 03.4 +01.5 Freedom Party (PVV) 81,286 10.0 +02.1 Socialist Party (PS) 45,867 05.7 -00.9 Reformed Party (SGP) 21,238 02.6 -00.1 50PLUS 18,427 02.3 +00.7 People's Party (VVD) 184,071 22.7 -06.9 Others 10,517 01.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 811,369 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 182,737 22.5 -10.2 Liberal parties [2] 204,561 25.2 +10.8 Conservative parties [3] 332,268 41.0 -03.1 Populist party [4] 81,286 10.0 +02.1 Others 10,517 01.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ---------------------------------------------------------------- ZWOLLE ================================================================ Enrolled voters: 874,690 Votes cast: 730,312 83.5 Invalid votes: 2,760 00.4 Valid votes: 727,552 99.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 144,223 18.8 +05.1 Christian Union (CU) 43,578 06.0 -00.2 Democrats 66 77,333 10.6 +04.0 Equality (DENK) 10,627 01.5 Forum for Democracy (FD) 10,632 01.5 Green Left (GL) 50,604 07.0 +05.3 Labour Party (PvdA) 40,025 05.5 -19.2 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 15,497 02.1 +00.8 Freedom Party (PVV) 84,386 11.6 +03.5 Socialist Party (PS) 66,753 09.2 -00.1 Reformed Party (SGP) 21,852 03.0 00.0 50PLUS 18,510 02.5 +01.0 People's Party (VVD) 135,760 18.7 -04.4 Others 7,772 01.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 727,552 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist parties [1] 157,382 21.6 -14.1 Liberal parties [2] 132,599 18.2 +08.8 Conservative parties [3] 345,413 47.5 +01.5 Populist party [4] 84,386 11.6 +03.5 Others 7,772 01.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1] GL, PvdA, PS [2] D66, DENK, FD, PvdD, 50PLUS [3] CDA, CU, SGP, VVD [4] PVV ----------------------------------------------------------------