KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 12 SEPTEMBER 2012 ================================================================ Elections to the Tweede Kamer (Second Chamber) of the Stats Generaal (Parliament) Source: Netherlands Broadcasting Foundation Parties ---------------------------------------------------------------- * CDA - Christen Democratisch Appèl (Christian Democratic Appeal) * CU - ChristenUnie (Christian Union) * D66 - Democraten 66 (Democrats 66) * GL - Groen Links (Green Left) * PvdA - Partij van de Arbeid (Labour Party) * PvdD - Partij voor de Dieren (Party for the Animals) * PVV - Partij voor de Vrijheid (Freedom Party) * SGP - Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij (Political Reformed Party) * SP - Socialistische Partij (Socialist Party) * VVD - Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie (People's Party for Freedom and Democracy) NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ================================================================ Votes and seats are compared with those at the November 2006 election. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 12,533,027 Votes cast: 9,435,667 75.3 Invalid votes: 26,224 00.3 Valid votes: 9,409,443 99.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Seats ---------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Democrat (CDA) 801,160 08.5 -05.1 13 -08 Christian Union (CU) 294,121 03.1 -00.2 5 Democrats 66 751,504 08.0 +01.1 12 +02 Green Left (GL) 219,640 02.3 -04.4 4 -06 Labour Party (PvdA) 2,331,862 24.8 +05.2 38 +08 Party for the Animals (PvdD) 181,272 01.9 +00.6 2 Freedom Party (PVV) 950,055 10.1 -05.4 15 -09 People's Party (VVD) 2,498,231 26.6 +06.1 41 +10 Socialist Party (PS) 908,295 09.7 -00.1 15 Reformed Party (SGP) 197,046 02.1 +00.4 3 +01 50PLUS 176,926 01.9 2 +02 Others 270,824 02.8 - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 9,580,936 150 ---------------------------------------------------------------- LEFT-RIGHT SUMMARY ================================================================ Combined Right 4,741,493 49.5 -05.0 77 -06 Combined Left 4,392,573 45.8 +01.4 71 +04 Others 447,750 04.7 2 +02 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 9,580,936 150 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 50PLUS here is counted with “others.”