KINGDOM OF MOROCCO LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 7 OCTOBER 2016 ====================================================================================================== Elections to the Majlis al-Nuwab (House of Representatives) Source: Media websites Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Although Arabic is the official language of Morocco, all sources give the names of political parties in French. * FGD - Fédération de Gauche Démocratique (Federation of the Democratic Left) * MDS - Mouvement Démocratique et Social (Democratic and Social Movement) * MP - Mouvement Populaire (Popular Movement) * PAM - Parti Authenticité et Modernité (Party of Authenticity and Modernity * PGVM - Parti de la Gauche Verte Marocaine (Moroccan Party of the Green Left) * PI - Parti d'Independence (Istiqlal) (Independence Party, usually referred to even in French sources as the Istiqlal) * PJD - Parti de la Justice et du Dévelopement (Party of Justice and Development) * PPS - Parti du Progrès et du Socialisme (Party of Progress and Socialism) * PUD - Parti Unité et de la Démocratie (Party of Unity and Democracy) * RNI - Rassemblement National des Indépendents (National Rally of Independents) * UC - Union Constitutionelle (Constitutional Union) * USFP - Union Socialiste des Forces Populaires (Socialist Union of Popular Forces) The House of Representatives consists of 396 members, of whom 306 are elected by proportional representation from 92 electoral circumscriptions, and 90 are elected from national lists of women and youth candidates. No voting figures for the election of the circumscription members have been published. The figures given here show votes cast for the national list members. The Party of the Green Left (PGVM) did not contest the national list election but won one local seat. NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ====================================================================================================== Enrolled voters: 15,702,592 Votes cast: Invalid votes: Valid votes: 5,779,004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seats Party Votes % 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Federation of the Democratic Left (FDG) 164,575 02.8 2 +02 - 2 +02 Democratic and Social Movement (MDS) 77,630 01.3 -00.4 3 +01 - 3 +01 Popular Movement (MP) 397,085 06.9 -00.6 20 -04 7 -01 27 -05 Party of Authenticity and Modernity (PAM) 1,216,552 21.1 +10.0 81 +46 21 +09 102 +55 Party of the Green Left (PGVM) 1 00 - 1 00 Independence Party (PI, Istiqlal) 620,014 10.7 -01.2 35 -12 11 -13 46 -14 Party of Justice and Development (PJD) 1,618,963 28.0 +08.1 98 +16 27 +03 125 +18 Party of Progress and Socialism (PPS) 273,800 04.7 -01.0 7 -05 4 -02 17 -07 Party of Unity and Democracy (PUD) 23,574 00.4 1 00 - 1 00 National Rally of Independents (RNI) 544,118 09.4 -01.9 28 -12 9 -03 37 -15 Constitutional Union (UC) 236,720 04.1 -01.7 15 -02 6 00 21 -02 Socialist Union of Popular Forces (USFP) 359,600 06.2 -02.4 14 -16 5 -04 19 -20 Others 246,347 04.3 - -13 - 00 - -13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 5,779,004 306 90 396 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seats 1 is the members elected by circumscription Seats 2 is the members elected from national women’s and youth lists Seats 3 is the total number of seats