UNITED MEXICAN STATES LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 6 JUNE 2021 ================================================================== Source: National Electoral Institute (INE) website CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES ================================================================== Alliances and parties ------------------------------------------------------------------ * JHH- Juntos Haremos Historia (Together We Will Make History) * MORENA - Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (National Regeneration Movement) * PT - Partido del Trabajo (Labour Party) * PVEM - Partido Verde Ecologista de Mexico (Ecologist Green Party of Mexico) * VpM - Va por Mexico (Go for Mexico) * PAN - Partido Accion Nacional (National Action Party) * PRD - Partido de la Revolución Democrática (Party of the Democratic Revolution) * PRI - Partido Revolucionario Institucional (Institutional Revolutionary Party) * FpM - Fuerza por Mexico (Force for Mexico) * MC - Movimiento Ciudadano (Citizens' Movement) * PES - Partido Encuentro Social (Social Encounter Party) * RSP - Redes Sociales Progresistas (Progressive Social Networks) The parties contested the 2018 legislative election in a different combination of alliances, making comparisons with this election impossible. NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ================================================================== Registered voters: 93,328,771 Votes cast: 49,151,320 52.7 Invalid votes: 1,981,200 04.0 Valid votes: 47,170,120 96.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Party votes % seats ------------------------------------------------------------------ JHH joint candidates 12,802,391 27.1 121 National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) 6,571,127 13.9 64 Labour Party (PT) 538,832 01.1 - Ecologist Green Party (PVEM) 992,320 02.1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total JHH 20,904,670 44.3 186 ------------------------------------------------------------------ VpM joint candidates 12,575,879 26.7 63 National Action Party (PAN) 3,828,228 08.1 33 Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) 2,715,123 05.8 11 Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) 248,505 00.5 - ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total VpM 19,367,735 41.1 107 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Force for Mexico (FpM) 1,211,824 02.6 - Citizens' Movement (MC) 3,430,507 07.3 7 Social Encounter Party (PES) 1,345,858 02.9 - Progressive Social Networks (RSP) 865,215 01.8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------ Others 44,311 00.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 47,170,120 300 ------------------------------------------------------------------