REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 11 and 25 OCTOBER 2020 ================================================================================================================== Election to the Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas (Parliament of the Lithuanian Republic) Source: Central Electoral Commission of the Lithuanian Republic Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * DP - Darbo Partija (Labour Party) * LLRA - Lietuvos Lenku Rinkimu Akcija (Electoral Action of Lithuanian Poles) * LP - Laisvės Partija (Freedom Party) * LRLS - Lietuvos Respublikos Liberalu Sajudis (Liberals Movement of the Republic of Lithuania) * LSDDP - Lietuvos Socialdemokratų Darbo Partija (Social Democratic Labour Party of Lithuania) * LSDP - Lietuvos Socialdemokratu Partija (Lithuanian Social Democratic Party) * LVLS - Lietuvos Valstieciu Liaudininku Sajunga (Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union) * TS-LKD - Tevynes Sajunga – Lietuvos Krikšcionys Demokratai (Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats) * LCP - Lietuvos Centro Partija (Lithuanian Centre Party) * LT - Laisvė ir Teisingumas (Freedom and Justice) * LS - Lietuvos Sarašas (Lithuanian List) * LZP - Lietuvos Žaliuju Partija (Lithuanian Green Party) * PTT - Partija Tvarka ir Teisingumas (Party of Order and Justice) The Parliament of the Lithuanian Republic consists of 70 members elected by proportional representation and 71 elected from single-member constituencies. The members for the single-member constituencies are elected over two rounds. NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ================================================================================================================== Registered voters: 2,457,722 Votes cast: 1,175,026 47.8 -02.8 Invalid votes: 41,465 03.5 -00.6 Valid votes: 1,133,561 96.5 +00.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seats Party Votes % 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Labour Party (DP) 110,773 09.8 +05.1 9 +09 1 -01 10 +08 Electoral Action of Lithuanian Poles (LLRA) 56,386 05.0 -00.5 - -05 3 00 3 -05 Freedom Party (LP) 107,093 09.4 8 +08 3 +03 11 +11 Liberals Movement of the Republic of Lithuania (LRLS) 79,755 07.0 -02.1 6 -02 7 +01 13 -01 Lithuanian Social Democratic Labor Party (LSDDP) 37,197 03.3 - 3 +03 3 +03 Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) 108,649 09.6 -04.8 8 -05 5 +01 13 -04 Freedom and Justice (LT) 23,355 02.1 00.0 - 1 +01 1 +01 Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union (LVLS) 204,791 18.1 -03.4 16 -03 16 -19 32 -22 Lithuanian Green Party (LZP) 19,303 01.7 -00.2 - 1 01 1 01 Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) 292,124 25.8 +04.1 23 +03 26 +15 50 +19 Others 94,135 08.3 - 4 00 4 00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,133,561 70 71 141 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seats 1: Members elected by proportional representation Seats 2: Members elected from single-member constituencies Seats 3: Total seats The votes shown are those cast for the members elected by proportional representation.