PRINCIPALITY OF LIECHTENSTEIN LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 3 FEBRUARY 2009 =================================================================== Elections to the Landtag Source: Liechtensteiner Vaterland website Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------- * DU - Die Unabhängigen (The Independents) * FBPL - Fortschrittliche Bürgerpartei in Liechtenstein (Progressive Citizens' Party in Liechtenstein) * FL - Freie Liste (Free List) * VU - Vaterländische Union (Fatherland Union) Liechtenstein is divided into two electoral districts (Wahlkreis), Oberland and Unterland. Each elects deputies by proportional representation from party lists. NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS =================================================================== Since voters can cast multiple votes within each Wahlkreis, this table shows the total number of votes received by candidates of each party, not the number of voters who supported each party. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters 19,251 Votes cast: 15,363 79.8 Invalid votes: 679 04.4 Valid votes: 14,684 95.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Change Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Independents (DU) 29,739 15.3 4 +4 Progressive Citizens (FBPL) 77,644 40.0 -07.6 10 -1 Free List (FL) 21,604 11.1 +02.2 3 +2 Fatherland Union (VU) 65,118 33.5 -10.0 8 -5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 194,105 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTING BY WAHLKREIS =================================================================== OBERLAND =================================================================== Enrolled voters 12,521 Votes cast: 9,808 78.3 Invalid votes: 437 04.5 Valid votes: 9,371 95.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Change Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Independents (DU) 20,748 14.8 2 +2 Progressive Citizens (FBPL) 55,233 39.3 -02.5 6 Free List (FL) 16,058 11.4 +02.0 2 +1 Fatherland Union (VU) 48,586 34.6 -14.3 5 -3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 140,625 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Deputies elected: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Batliner (FBPL) Eugen Nägele (FBPL) Alois Beck (FBPL) Harry Quaderer (DU) Christoph Beck (VU) Karin Rüdisser-Quaderer (VU) Albert Frick (FBPL) Pio Schurti (DU) Frank Konrad (VU) Thomas Vogt (VU) Helen Konzett Bargetze (FL) Christoph Wenaweser (VU) Thomas Lageder (FL) Christine Wohlwend (FBPL) Wendelin Lampert (FBPL) ------------------------------------------------------------------- UNTERLAND =================================================================== Enrolled voters 6,730 Votes cast: 5,555 82.5 Invalid votes: 242 04.4 Valid votes: 5,313 95.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Change Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Independents (DU) 8,991 16.8 2 Progressive Citizens (FBPL) 22,441 41.9 -06.3 4 -1 Free List (FL) 5,546 10.4 +02.7 1 +1 Fatherland Union (VU) 16,532 30.9 -13.3 3 -2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 53,510 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Deputies elected: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Manfred Batliner (FBPL) Erich Hasler (DU) Gerold Büchel (FBPL) Johannes Kaiser (FBPL) Peter Büchel (VU) Violanda Lanter-Koller (VU) Herbert Elkuch (DU) Wolfgang Marxer (FL) Elfried Hasler (FBPL) Judith Öhri (VU) -------------------------------------------------------------------