REPUBLIC OF HUNGARY NATIONAL ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS OF 9 APRIL 2014 ==================================================================================================== Elections to the Országgyulés (National Assembly) Source: Hungarian Interior Ministry website Parties ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FIDESz-MPS - Fiatal Demokratak Szovetsege - Magyar Polgári Szövetség (Alliance of Young Democrats - Hungarian Civic Union) * LMP - Lehet Más a Politika (Politics Can Be Different) * Jobbik - Jobbik Magyarországért Mozgalom (Movement for a Better Hungary) * Összefogás (Unity) - a coalition of: * MSzP - Magyar Szocialista Párt (Hungarian Socialist Party) * E14 - Együtt 2014 (Together 2014) * DK - Demokratikus Koalíció (Democratic Coalition) * PM - Párbeszéd Magyarországért (Dialogue for Hungary) * MLP - Magyar Liberális Párt (Hungarian Liberal Party) Since the 2010 election the size of the National Assembly has been reduced from 386 to 199. It now consists of 106 members elected from single-member constituencies and 93 members elected from national lists by proportional representation. NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ==================================================================================================== Registered voters: 8,029,829 Votes cast: 4,927,571 61.4 Invalid votes: 131,814 02.7 Valid votes: 4,795,757 97.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seats: Party Votes % Constit List Total ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alliance of Young Democrats (FIDESz-MPS) 2,135,960 44.5 -08.2 96 -77 37 -053 133 -130 Movement for a Better Hungary (Jobbik) 985,028 20.5 +03.8 - 23 -024 23 -024 Politics Can Be Different (LMP) 252,372 05.3 +00.2 - 5 -011 5 -011 Unity (MSzP-E14-DK-PM-MLP) 1,246,465 26.0 +06.7 10 +08 28 -029 38 -021 Others 175,932 03.7 - -01 - - -001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,795,757 106 -70 93 -117 199 -187 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are votes cast for national list candidates. No other party polled 1% of the vote.