REPUBLIC OF HAITI PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 20 NOVEMBER 2016 ======================================================================= Source: Provisional Electoral Council website FIRST ROUND: 25 OCTOBER 2015 ======================================================================= Parties ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * FL - Fanmi Lavalas (Family Waterfall) * LAPEH - Ligue Alternative pour le Progrès et l'Emancipation Haitienne (Alternative League for Haitian Progress and Emancipation) * PHTK - Parti Haïtien Tèt Kale (Haitian Bald Head Party) * PPP - Platfom Pitit Desalin (Platform of the Little Dessalines: a reference to Jean-Jacques Dessalines, leader of the Haitian Revolution of 1804) NATIONAL SUMMARY ======================================================================= Enrolled voters: 5,835,295 * Votes cast: 1,120,663 19.2 Invalid votes: 57,824 05.2 Valid votes: 1,062,839 94.8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jude Célestin LAPEH 207,988 19.6 Jean-Charles Moïse PPD 117,349 11.0 Jovenel Moïse PHTK 590,927 55.6 Maryse Narcisse FL 95,765 09.0 24 others 50,810 04.8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,062,839 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * This figure dates from April 2015, but gives an indictation of the low turnout at this election.