GERMAN REPUBLIC PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS OF 1925 AND 1932 =================================================================== Source: website Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------- * BVP - Bayrische Volkspartei (Bavarian People's Party) * DDP - Deutsche Demokratische Partei (German Democratic Party) * DNVP - Deutsche Nationale Volkspartei (German-National People's Party) * DVP - Deutsche Volkspartei (German People's Party) * DZP - Deutsche Zentrumspartei (German Centre Party) * KPD - Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (Communist Party of Germany) * NSDAP - Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party) (Nazi Party) * SPD - Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (Social Democratic Party of Germany) * Stahlhelm - Steel Helmet (war veterans' organisation) The first President of the German Republic, Friedrich Ebert, the SPD leader, was elected by the National Assembly in February 1919. The Assembly subsequently adopted a Constitution which provided for a directly-elected non-executive President to serve a seven-year term. Ebert died in February 1925. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF MARCH-APRIL 1925 ==================================================================== FIRST ROUND: 29 MARCH 1925 ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 39,226,138 Votes cast: 27,016,760 (68.9) Invalid votes: 176,415 (00.6) Valid votes: 26,840,345 (99.4) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- Otto Braun SPD 7,802,497 29.0 Dr Heinrich Held BVP 1,007,450 03.7 Dr Willy Hellpach DDP 1,568,398 05.8 Dr Karl Jarres DNVP-DVP 10,416,658 38.8 Erich Ludendorff 285.793 01.1 Dr Wilhelm Marx DZP 3,887,734 14.5 Ernst Thälmann KPD 1,871,815 07.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 26,840,345 -------------------------------------------------------------------- SECOND ROUND: 26 APRIL 1925 ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 39,414,316 Votes cast: 30,567,874 (77.6) Invalid votes: 229,477 (00.7) Valid votes: 30,338,397 (99.3) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Von HINDENBURG 14,655,641 48.3 Dr Wilhelm Marx DZP-SPD 13,751,605 45.3 Ernst Thälmann KPD 1,931,151 06.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 30,338,397 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Following the deadlock of the first round, Jarres withdrew and Hindenburg was recruited to be the candidate of the right. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF MARCH-APRIL 1932 ==================================================================== FIRST ROUND: 13 MARCH 1932 ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 43,949,681 Votes cast: 37,890,451 (86.2) Invalid votes: 247,015 (00.6) Valid votes: 37,643,436 (99.4) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- Theodor Duesterberg Stahlhelm 2,557,729 06.8 Paul von Hindenburg * 18,651,497 49.5 Adolf Hitler NSDAP 11,339,446 30.1 Ernst Thälmann KPD 4,983,341 13.2 Gustav A Winter 111,423 00.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 37,643,436 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hindenburg was supported by the SPD and all the parties of the centre and traditional right. SECOND ROUND: 10 APRIL 1932 ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 44,063,958 Votes cast: 36,771,787 (83.4) Invalid votes: 286,498 (00.8) Valid votes: 36,485,289 (99.2) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul von HINDENBURG * 19,359,983 53.0 Adolf Hitler NSDAP 13,418,547 36.8 Ernst Thälmann KPD 3,706,759 10.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 36,485,289 --------------------------------------------------------------------