FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 26 SEPTEMBER 2021 ======================================================================= Elections to the Bundestag Source: German Federal Republic elections website Parties ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * AfD - Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany) * CDU - Christlich-Demokratische Union (Christian-Democratic Union) * CSU - Christlich Soziale Union (Christian Social Union) * FDP - Freie Demokratische Partei (Free Democratic Party) * FW - Freie Wähler (Free Voters) * Grune - Die Grünen (The Greens) * Linke - Die Linke (The Left) * SPD - Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (Social Democratic Party of Germany) NATIONAL SUMMARIES OF VOTES AND SEATS ======================================================================= FIRST VOTE: MEMBERS ELECTED FROM CONSTITUENCES ======================================================================= Voters: 61,168,243 Votes cast: 46,838,765 76.6 +00.4 Invalid votes: 499,263 01.1 -00.2 Valid votes: 46,339,602 98.9 +00.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Seats ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Christian-Democratic Union 10,445,571 22.5 -07.7 98 -87 Christian Social Union 2,787,904 06.0 -01.0 45 -01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CDU-CSU 13,233,475 28.6 -08.6 143 -88 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democratic Party 12,228,363 26.4 +01.8 121 +62 The Greens 6,465,502 14.0 +06.0 16 +15 Alternative for Germany 4,694,017 10.1 -01.4 16 +13 Free Democratic Party 4,040,783 08.7 +01.7 - The Left 2,306,755 05.0 -03.6 3 -02 Free Voters 1,334,093 02.9 +01.6 - Others 2,036,614 04.4 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 46,339,602 299 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECOND VOTE: MEMBERS ELECTED FROM PARTY LISTS IN THE STATES ======================================================================= Voters: 61,675,529 Votes cast: 46,838,765 76.6 +00.4 Invalid votes: 419,317 00.9 -00.1 Valid votes: 46,419,448 99.1 +00.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Seats ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Christian-Democratic Union 8,770,980 18.9 -07.9 53 +38 Christian Social Union 2,402,826 05.2 -01.0 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CDU-CSU 11,173,806 24.1 -08.9 53 +38 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Democratic Party 11,949,756 25.7 +05.2 85 -09 The Greens 6,848,215 14.8 +05.8 102 +36 Free Democratic Party 5,316,698 11.5 +00.8 92 +12 Alternative for Germany 4,802,097 10.3 -02.3 67 -24 The Left 2,269,993 04.9 -04.3 36 -28 Free Voters 1,127,171 02.4 +01.4 - Others 2,931,712 06.3 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 46,419,448 435 +25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS =========================================================================== % of Constituency List Total Party Second vote Seats Seats Seats % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDU 18.9 98 53 151 -49 20.6 CSU 05.2 45 - 45 -01 06.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDU-CSU 24.1 143 53 196 -50 26.7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPD 25.7 121 85 206 +53 28.1 Greens 14.8 16 102 118 +51 16.1 FDP 11.5 - 92 92 +12 12.5 AfD 10.3 16 67 83 -11 11.3 Left 04.9 3 36 39 -30 05.3 Others 06.3 - - - 00.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 299 435 734 +25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------