FRENCH REPUBLIC PRESIDENTIAL REPUBLIC OF APRIL-MAY 2002 ================================================================== Source: French Constitutional Council Candidates ------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party ------------------------------------------------------------------- François Bayrou UDF - Union pour la Démocratie Française (Union for French Democracy) Olivier Besancenot LCR - Ligue Communiste Révolutionaire (Revolutionary Communist League) Christine Boutin Independent Jean-Pierre Chevenement PR - Pôle Républicain (Republican Pole) Jacques Chirac RPR - Rassemblement pour la République (Rally for the Republic) Daniel Gluckstein PT - Parti des Travailleurs (Workers' Party) Robert Hue PCF - Parti Communiste Français (Communist Party of France) Lionel Jospin PS - Parti Socialiste (Socialist Party) Arlette Laguiller LO - Lutte Ouvrière (Workers' Struggle) Corinne Lepage Cap 21 - Mouvement Cap 21 (Movement Cap 21) Jean-Marie Le Pen FN - Front National (National Front) Alain Madelin DL - Démocratie Libérale (Liberal Democracy) Noël Mamère Verts - Les Verts (The Greens) Bruno Megret MNR - Mouvement National Républicain (National Republican Movement) Jean Saint-Josse CPNT - Chasse-Pêche-Nature-Traditions (Hunting-Fishing-Nature-Tradition) Christiane Taubira PRG - Parti Radical de Gauche (Radical Party of the Left) ------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST ROUND: 21 APRIL 2002 ================================================================== Voters: 41,194,689 Votes cast: 29,495,733 71.6% Invalid votes: 997,262 03.4% Valid votes: 28,498,471 96.6% Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bruno Megret MNR 667,026 02.3 Corinne Lepage Cap-21 535,837 01.9 Daniel Gluckstein PT 132,686 00.5 François Bayrou UDF 1,949,170 06.8 Jacques Chirac RPR 5,665,855 19.9 Jean-Marie Le Pen FN 4,804,713 16.9 Christine Taubira PRG 660,447 02.3 Jean Saint-Josse CPNT 1,204,689 04.2 Noël Mamere Verts 1,495,724 05.2 Lionel Jospin PS 4,610,113 16.2 Christine Boutin 339,112 01.2 Robert Hue PCF 960,480 03.4 Jean-Pierre Chevenement PR 1,518,528 05.3 Alain Madelin DL 1,113,484 03.9 Arlette Laguiller LO 1,630,045 05.7 Olivier Besancenot LCR 1,210,562 04.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 28,498,471 ------------------------------------------------------------------- SECOND ROUND: 5 MAY 2002 ================================================================== Voters: 41,191,169 Votes cast: 32,832,295 79.7% Invalid votes: 997,262 03.0% Valid votes: 31,062,988 97.0% Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------- Jacques CHIRAC RPR 25,537,956 82.2 Jean-Marie Le Pen FN 5,525,032 17.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 31,062,988 -------------------------------------------------------------------