FRENCH REPUBLIC PRESIDENTIAL REPUBLIC OF APRIL-MAY 2007 ================================================================== Source: French Interior Ministry Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------ * FN - National Front (Front national) * LCR - Ligue communiste révolutionnaire (Revolutionary Communist League) * LO - Lutte ouvrière (Workers' Struggle) * MF - Mouvement pour la France (Movement for France) * PCF - Parti communiste français (French Communist Party) * PCNT - Chasse, pêche, nature, traditions (Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Tradition) * PS - Parti socialiste (Socialist Party) * PT - Parti des travailleurs (Party of the Workers) * UDF - Union pour la démocratie française (Union for French Democracy * Verts - Les Verts (The Greens) * UMP - Union pour un mouvement populaire (Union for a Popular Movement) FIRST ROUND: 22 APRIL 2007 ================================================================== Voters: 44,474,519 Votes cast: 37,260,798 83.8 Invalid votes: 535,953 01.4 Valid votes: 36,724,845 98.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------- Olivier Besancenot LCR 1,498,835 04.1 Marie-George Buffet PCF 707,327 01.9 Gérard Schivardi PT 123,711 00.3 François Bayrou UDF 6,820,914 18.6 José Bové 483,076 01.3 Dominique Voynet Verts 576,758 01.6 Philippe de Villiers MF 818,704 02.2 Ségolène Royal PS 9,501,295 25.9 Frédéric Nihous CPNT 420,775 01.2 Jean-Marie Le Pen FN 3,835,029 10.4 Arlette Laguiller LO 488,119 01.3 Nicolas Sarkozy UMP 11,450,302 31.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 36,724,845 ------------------------------------------------------------------- SECOND ROUND: 6 MAY 2007 ================================================================== Voters: 44,472,363 Votes cast: 37,343,469 84.0 Invalid votes: 1,569,450 04.2 Valid votes: 35,774,019 95.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ségolène Royal PS 16,790,611 46.9 Nicolas Sarkozy UMP 18,983,408 53.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 35,774,019 -------------------------------------------------------------------