FRENCH REPUBLIC PRESIDENTIAL REPUBLIC OF APRIL-MAY 2007 ================================================================== Source: Le Figaro The first round was on 22 April. the second round on 6 May. Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------ * CPNT - Chasse. pêche. nature. traditions (Hunting. Fishing. Nature. Tradition) * FN - Front national (National Front) * LCR - Ligue communiste révolutionnaire (Revolutionary Communist League) * LO - Lutte ouvrière (Workers' Struggle) * MD - Mouvement démocrate (Democratic Movement) * MF - Mouvement pour la France (Movement for France) * PCF - Parti communiste français (French Communist Party) * PS - Parti socialiste (Socialist Party) * PT - Parti des travailleurs (Workers' Party) * UMP - Union pour un mouvement populaire (Union for a Popular Movement) * Verts - Les Verts (The Greens) VOTES BY REGION AND DEPARTMENT ================================================================== CORSE ================================================================== HAUTE-CORSE ================================================================== Voters: 111,839 111,875 Votes cast: 84,356 75.4 88,224 78.9 Invalid votes: 1,230 01.5 3,337 03.8 Valid votes: 83,126 98.5 84,887 96.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------ First round Second round Candidate Party Votes % Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------ François Bayrou MD 9,835 11.8 Olivier Besancenot LCR 2,953 03.6 José Bové 897 01.1 Marie-George Buffet PCF 2,879 03.5 Jean-Marie Le Pen FN 12,221 14.7 Arlette Laguiller LO 764 00.9 Frédéric Nihous CPNT 1,202 01.5 Ségolène Royal PS 19,657 23.7 34,960 41.9 Nicolas SARKOZY UMP 30,376 36.5 49,927 58.8 Gérard Schivardi PT 241 00.3 Philippe de Villiers MF 953 01.2 Dominique Voynet Verts 1,148 01.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 83,126 84,887 ------------------------------------------------------------------ CORSE DU SUD ================================================================== Voters: 94,555 94,554 Votes cast: 71,477 75.6 73,997 78.3 Invalid votes: 1,032 01.4 2,904 03.9 Valid votes: 70,445 98.6 71,093 96.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ First round Second round Candidate Party Votes % Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------ François Bayrou MD 9,144 13.9 Olivier Besancenot LCR 2,988 04.2 José Bové 762 01.1 Marie-George Buffet PCF 2,285 03.2 Jean-Marie Le Pen FN 11,212 15.9 Arlette Laguiller LO 582 00.8 Frédéric Nihous CPNT 1,057 01.5 Ségolène Royal PS 13,836 19.6 27,249 38.3 Nicolas SARKOZY UMP 26,443 37.5 43,844 61.7 Gérard Schivardi PT 209 00.3 Philippe de Villiers MF 955 01.4 Dominique Voynet Verts 972 01.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 70,445 71,093 ------------------------------------------------------------------