FRENCH REPUBLIC PRESIDENTIAL REPUBLIC OF APRIL-MAY 2007 ================================================================== Source: Le Figaro The first round was on 22 April. the second round on 6 May. Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------ * CPNT - Chasse. pêche. nature. traditions (Hunting. Fishing. Nature. Tradition) * FN - Front national (National Front) * LCR - Ligue communiste révolutionnaire (Revolutionary Communist League) * LO - Lutte ouvrière (Workers' Struggle) * MD - Mouvement démocrate (Democratic Movement) * MF - Mouvement pour la France (Movement for France) * PCF - Parti communiste français (French Communist Party) * PS - Parti socialiste (Socialist Party) * PT - Parti des travailleurs (Workers' Party) * UMP - Union pour un mouvement populaire (Union for a Popular Movement) * Verts - Les Verts (The Greens) VOTES BY REGION AND DEPARTMENT ================================================================== AUVERGNE ================================================================== ALLIER ================================================================== Voters: 259,537 259,503 Votes cast: 221,525 85.4 220,677 85.0 Invalid votes: 4,141 01.9 10,809 04.9 Valid votes: 217,384 98.1 209,868 95.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ First round Second round Candidate Party Votes % Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------ François Bayrou MD 39,700 18.3 Olivier Besancenot LCR 10,981 05.0 José Bové 2,646 01.2 Marie-George Buffet PCF 9,897 04.5 Jean-Marie Le Pen FN 21,860 10.1 Arlette Laguiller LO 3,370 01.6 Frédéric Nihous CPNT 3,119 01.4 Ségolène ROYAL PS 55,744 25.6 107,442 51.2 Nicolas Sarkozy UMP 60,994 28.1 102,426 48.8 Gérard Schivardi PT 918 00.4 Philippe de Villiers MF 5,292 02.4 Dominique Voynet Verts 2,863 01.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 217,384 209,868 ------------------------------------------------------------------ CANTAL ================================================================== Voters: 123,363 123,322 Votes cast: 105,850 85.8 106,618 86.5 Invalid votes: 1,765 01.7 4,429 04.2 Valid votes: 104,085 98.3 102,189 95.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------ First round Second round Candidate Party Votes % Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------ François Bayrou MD 20,956 20.1 Olivier Besancenot LCR 4,022 03.9 José Bové 1,583 01.5 Marie-George Buffet PCF 1,502 01.4 Jean-Marie Le Pen FN 8,501 08.2 Arlette Laguiller LO 1,314 01.3 Frédéric Nihous CPNT 2,567 02.5 Ségolène Royal PS 24,984 24.0 45,208 44.2 Nicolas SARKOZY UMP 34,726 33.4 56,981 55.8 Gérard Schivardi PT 573 00.6 Philippe de Villiers MF 2,122 02.0 Dominique Voynet Verts 1,235 01.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 104,085 102,189 ------------------------------------------------------------------ HAUTE LOIRE ================================================================== Voters: 173,258 173,262 Votes cast: 150,896 87.1 149,885 86.5 Invalid votes: 2,623 01.7 7,714 05.2 Valid votes: 148,273 98.3 142,171 94.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------ First round Second round Candidate Party Votes % Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------ François Bayrou MD 31,593 21.3 Olivier Besancenot LCR 7,002 04.7 José Bové 2,645 01.8 Marie-George Buffet PCF 2,167 01.5 Jean-Marie Le Pen FN 17,341 11.7 Arlette Laguiller LO 2,114 01.4 Frédéric Nihous CPNT 2,328 01.6 Ségolène Royal PS 33,473 22.6 65,085 45.8 Nicolas SARKOZY UMP 42,710 28.8 77,086 54.2 Gérard Schivardi PT 907 00.6 Philippe de Villiers MF 3,757 02.5 Dominique Voynet Verts 2,236 01.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 148,273 142,171 ------------------------------------------------------------------ PUY DE DOME ================================================================== Voters: 443,260 443,310 Votes cast: 385,768 87.0 384,474 86.7 Invalid votes: 6,272 01.6 17,700 04.6 Valid votes: 379,496 98.4 366,774 95.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------ First round Second round Candidate Party Votes % Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------ François Bayrou MD 77,146 20.3 Olivier Besancenot LCR 19,517 05.1 José Bové 6,658 01.8 Marie-George Buffet PCF 8,354 02.2 Jean-Marie Le Pen FN 31,102 08.2 Arlette Laguiller LO 6,138 01.6 Frédéric Nihous CPNT 4,460 01.2 Ségolène ROYAL PS 111,275 29.3 197,915 54.0 Nicolas Sarkozy UMP 99,723 26.3 168,859 46.0 Gérard Schivardi PT 1,808 00.5 Philippe de Villiers MF 7,559 02.0 Dominique Voynet Verts 5,756 01.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 379,496 366,774 ------------------------------------------------------------------