FRENCH REPUBLIC LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 11 AND 18 JUNE 2017 ================================================================================= Elections to the National Assembly Source: French Interior Ministry Parties --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * EEV - Europe Écologie – Les Verts (Europe Ecology – The Greens) * FI - La France Insoumise (France Unbowed) * FN - Front National (National Front) * LR - Les Républicains (The Republicans) * MoDem - Mouvement Democrate (Democratic Movement) * PCF – Parti Communiste Français (French Communist Party) * PRG - Parti Radical de Gauche (Radical Party of the Left) * PS - Parti Socialiste (Socialist Party) * REM - La République en Marche (The Republic on the March) * UDI - Union des Démocrates et Indépendants (Union of Democrats and Independents) VOTING BY REGION, DEPARTMENT AND CIRCUMSCRIPTION ================================================================================= 1. All minor party and independent candidates polling less than 5% have been aggregated as “others.” 2. Votes for the Front de Gauche in 2012 are compared with the combined total of La France Insoumise and the PCF at this election. 3. Votes for the UMP in 2012 are compared with votes for Les Républicains at this Election. FRENCH OVERSEAS VOTERS ================================================================================= 1ST CIRCUMSCRIPTION (North America) ================================================================================= Enrolled voters: 200,205 200,179 Votes cast: 37,309 18.6 -01.8 26,157 13.1 -06.0 Invalid votes: 312 00.8 -00.3 1,512 05.8 +03.6 Valid votes: 36,997 99.2 +00.3 24,645 94.2 -03.6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yan Chantrel + PS 3,124 08.4 -31.3 Denis Franceskin FN 748 02.0 -02.3 Clémentine Langlois FI 3,333 09.0 +06.4 Jocelyne Le Boulicaut EEV 1,073 02.9 Frédéric Lefebvre LR 5,377 14.5 -07.6 4,995 20.3 -25.7 Roland LESCURE REM 21,286 57.5 19,650 79.7 Julie Morel PCF 99 00.3 11 others 1,957 06.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 36,997 24,645 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lescure had to face a second round because he did not gain the support of 20% of enrolled voters, as required by French electoral law. 2ND CIRCUMSCRIPTION (South America) ================================================================================= Enrolled voters: 75,029 75,022 Votes cast: 11,615 15.5 -00.5 9,357 12.5 -03.1 Invalid votes: 115 01.0 -00.5 338 03.6 +01.4 Valid votes: 11,500 99.0 +00.5 9,019 96.4 -01.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Florence Baillon PS 273 02.4 Charles-Henry Chenut 952 08.3 Sergio Coronado * EEV 2,715 23.6 -12.3 3,525 39.1 -14.5 Pascal Drouhaud LR 1,286 11.2 -11.6 Paula FORTEZA REM 4,964 43.2 56,494 60.9 Jean-Marc Millet FN 291 02.5 -01.2 Laurent Perea PCF 58 00.5 10 others 970 08.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 11,500 9,019 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chenut was an independent of the right. 3RD CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Northern Europe) ================================================================================= Enrolled voters: 120,696 120,692 Votes cast: 25,494 21.1 +00.3 21,169 17.5 -03.1 Invalid votes: 124 00.5 -00.7 553 02.6 -00.2 Valid votes: 25,370 99.5 +00.7 20,616 97.4 +00.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laurence Azzena-Gougeon LR 2,238 08.8 -12.8 Patricia Connell 1,392 05.5 Karine Daudicourt EEV 1,384 05.5 -04.8 Alexandre HOLROYD REM 14,663 57.8 14,453 70.1 Axelle Lemaire * PS 2,493 09.8 -20.4 6,163 29.9 -24.9 Marine Roussillon PCF 122 00.5 Tony Thommes FN 378 01.5 -00.8 Olivier Tonneau FI 1,823 07.2 +04.0 8 others 877 03.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 25,370 20,616 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holroyd had to face a second round because he did not gain the support of 20% of enrolled voters, as required by French electoral law. Connell was an independent of the right. 4TH CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) ================================================================================= Enrolled voters: 122,765 122,756 Votes cast: 27,822 22.7 -01.4 25,494 20.8 -05.2 Invalid votes: 158 00.6 -00.3 892 03.5 +01.0 Valid votes: 27,664 99.4 +00.3 24,602 96.5 -01.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pieyre-Alexandre ANGLADE REM 14,461 52.3 18,138 73.7 Valérie Bros LR 2,512 09.1 -12.1 Philip Cordery * PS 1,737 06.3 -24.1 Perrine Ledan EEV 2,706 09.8 -00.4 Soraya Lemaire FN 865 03.1 -02.8 Sophie Rauszer FI 3,030 11.0 +06.8 6,464 26.3 12 others 2,353 08.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 27,664 24,602 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anglade had to face a second round because he did not gain the support of 20% of enrolled voters, as required by French electoral law. 5TH CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Spain and Portugal) ================================================================================= Enrolled voters: 91,374 91,291 Votes cast: 14,568 15.9 -04.5 12,360 13.5 -07.3 Invalid votes: 123 00.8 -00.6 537 04.3 +01.9 Valid votes: 14,445 99.2 +00.6 11,823 95.7 -01.9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Natacha Barral FN 818 05.7 -00.8 Alexis Boudaud Anduaga EEV 126 00.9 Samantha CAZEBONNE REM 7,274 50.4 7,828 66.1 François Ralle-Andreoli FI 2,242 15.5 +06.9 3,995 33.9 Laurence Sailliet LR 2,182 15.1 -16.8 Gabrielle Siry + PS 1,175 08.1 -22.4 8 others 628 04.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 14,445 11,823 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cazebonne had to face a second round because she did not gain the support of 20% of enrolled voters, as required by French electoral law. 6TH CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Switzerland) ================================================================================= Enrolled voters: 127,486 127,470 Votes cast: 25,744 20.2 -01.7 23,945 18.8 -03.6 Invalid votes: 139 00.5 -00.4 647 02.7 +01.2 Valid votes: 25,605 99.5 +00.4 23,298 97.3 -01.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emmanuelle Boudet FI 1,404 05.5 +01.9 Fabienne Lefebvre PCF 68 00.3 Jean-Claude Marchand FN 741 02.9 -00.5 Jean Rossiaud EEV 2,037 08.0 +02.5 Claudine Schmid LR 4,036 15.8 5,838 25.1 Joachim SON-FORGET REM 16,273 63.6 17,460 74.9 8 others 1,046 04.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 25,605 23,298 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This circumscription elected a Socialist in 2012. Son-Forget had to face a second round because he did not gain the support of 20% of enrolled voters, as required by French electoral law. 7TH CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Central Europe) ================================================================================= Enrolled voters: 105,955 105,946 Votes cast: 26,956 25.4 +01.7 23,447 22.1 -02.0 Invalid votes: 382 01.4 +00.4 1,822 04.4 +02.5 Valid votes: 26,574 98.6 -00.4 22,425 95.6 -02.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg EEV 2,644 10.0 Maëva Durand PCF 145 00.6 Philippe Gustin LR 2,169 08.2 -20.4 Jean-Pierre Hottinger FN 528 02.0 -01.6 François-Jérôme Lallemand FI 1,912 07.2 +03.9 Pierre-Yves Le Borgn * PS 3,689 13.9 -26.2 8,310 37.1 -19.8 Frédéric PETIT MoDem 14,359 54.0 +47.5 14,115 62.9 8 others 1,128 04.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 26,574 22,425 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Petit had to face a second round because he did not gain the support of 20% of enrolled voters, as required by French electoral law. 8TH CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Eastern Mediterranean) ================================================================================= Enrolled voters: 121,399 121,386 Votes cast: 11,413 09.4 -04.0 14,201 11.7 -01.1 Invalid votes: 113 01.0 -00.4 378 02.7 -00.1 Valid votes: 11,300 99.0 +00.4 13,823 97.3 +00.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nil Delahaye EEV 563 05.0 -05.5 Benjamin Djiane + PS 241 02.1 -28.4 Florence Drory REM 4,150 36.7 5,825 42.1 Meyer HABIB UDI 4,013 35.5 +13.3 7,998 57.9 +13.8 Nathalie Jorge Laick FN 316 02.8 -01.0 Hélène Panoussis FI 834 07.4 +01.9 Daphna Poznanski-Benhamou 667 05.9 Anne Sabourin PCF 89 00.8 9 others 427 03.8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 11,300 13,823 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poznanski-Benhamou was an independent. 9TH CIRCUMSCRIPTION (West Africa) ================================================================================= Enrolled voters: 107,796 107,788 Votes cast: 15,711 14.6 -03.1 12,634 11.7 -06.6 Invalid votes: 262 01.7 +00.5 1,581 11.9 +10.0 Valid votes: 15,449 98.3 -00.5 11,133 88.1 -10.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leila Aïchi 3,135 20.3 4,491 40.3 Erwan Borhan Davoux LR 2,039 13.2 -11.6 Lamine Camara PCF 150 01.0 M'jid EL GUERRAB 2,925 18.9 6,642 59.7 Frédéric Elbar 814 05.3 Patrice Finel FI 1,423 09.2 +05.8 Jehanne Fortin FN 352 02.3 -01.3 Didier Le Bret + PS 1,822 11.8 -35.4 Yann Roustan EEV 462 03.0 -00.8 18 others 2,327 15.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 15,449 11,133 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aïchi and Elbar were independents of the right El Guerrab was an independent. 10TH CIRCUMSCRIPTION (East Africa, Middle East) ================================================================================= Enrolled voters: 99,374 99,956 Votes cast: 19,419 19.5 -03.8 18,252 18.3 -04.7 Invalid votes: 254 01.3 -00.2 853 04.5 +02.2 Valid votes: 19,165 98.7 +00.2 17,399 95.5 -02.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- William Gueraiche 1,269 06.6 Amal Amélia LAKRAFI REM 11,515 60.1 12,397 71.3 Alain Marsaud * LR 3,620 18.9 -13.2 5,002 28.7 -24.4 Stéphane Sakoschek FN 1,060 05.5 -00.8 Viviane Zinzindohoue EEV 359 01.9 -04.7 6 others 1,342 07.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 19,165 17,399 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lakrafi had to face a second round because she did not gain the support of 20% of enrolled voters, as required by French electoral law. Gueraiche was an independent of the left. 11TH CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Russia, Asia and Oceania) ================================================================================= Enrolled voters: 92,766 92,761 Votes cast: 25,625 27.6 -00.3 21,020 22.7 -03.4 Invalid votes: 245 01.0 -00.3 947 04.5 +01.3 Valid votes: 25,380 99.0 +00.3 20,073 95.5 -01.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Florian Bohême PS 1,810 07.1 -19.6 Sébastien Cochard FN 733 02.9 -01.5 Anne GENETET REM 13,732 54.1 14,397 71.7 Thierry Mariani * LR 4,766 18.8 -13.8 5,676 28.3 -23.9 Francis Nizet 1,495 05.9 Dimitri Sawosik FI 1,651 06.5 +05.8 Dominique Vidal PCF 110 00.4 7 others 1,083 04.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 25,380 20,073 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Genetet had to face a second round because she did not gain the support of 20% of enrolled voters, as required by French electoral law. Nizet was an independent of the right.