FRENCH REPUBLIC LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 10 AND 17 JUNE 2012 ==================================================================== Elections to the National Assembly Source: French Interior Ministry website VOTING BY REGION, DEPARTMENT AND CIRCUMSCRIPTION ==================================================================== All minor party and independent Candidates polling less than 5% have been aggregated as “others.” MIDI-PYRÉNÉES ==================================================================== ARIÈGE ==================================================================== 1ST CIRCONSCRIPTION (Pamiers) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 56,664 Votes cast: 35,176 62.1 Invalid votes: 756 02.2 Valid votes: 34,420 97.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Michel Larive FG 3,744 10.9 Pascale Aoura EEV 1,907 05.5 Jacques Warnke FN 3,765 10.9 Frédérique MASSAT * PS 17,791 51.7 Nicole Gerona UMP 5,449 15.8 5 others 1,764 05.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 34,420 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2ND CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Foix) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 59,754 59,751 Votes cast: 37,136 62.2 35,230 59.0 Invalid votes: 770 02.1 1,535 04.4 Valid votes: 36,366 97.9 33,695 95.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Thérèse Aliot FN 4,570 12.6 Viviane Baudry FG 4,165 11.5 Alain FAURÉ + PS 16,193 44.5 22,587 67.0 Philippe Calleja UMP 8,569 23.6 11,108 33.0 6 others 2,869 07.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 36,366 33,695 -------------------------------------------------------------------- AVEYRON ==================================================================== 1ST CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Rodez) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 75,452 75,453 Votes cast: 49,797 66.0 49,622 65.8 Invalid votes: 872 01.8 1,645 03.3 Valid votes: 48,925 98.2 47,977 96.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Guilhem Serieys FG 2,708 05.5 Bruno Berardi EEV 1,478 03.0 Jean-Guillaume Remise FN 3,990 08.2 Stéphane Mazars PRG 6,938 14.2 Monique Bultel-Herment PS 13,829 28.3 23,666 49.3 Yves CENSI * UMP 19,487 39.8 24,311 50.7 2 others 495 01.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 48,925 47,977 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2ND CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Villefranche-de-Rouergue) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 70,585 70,570 Votes cast: 46,219 65.5 44,679 63.3 Invalid votes: 1,023 02.2 1,413 03.2 Valid votes: 45,196 97.8 43,266 96.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Marie-Lou MARCEL * PS 22,441 49.7 27,468 63.5 Philippe Bramm FN 3,480 07.7 Jean-Louis Calmettes EEV 1,661 03.7 Laurent Tranier UMP 12,416 27.5 15,798 36.5 Christophe Pourcel PR 1,654 03.7 Aline Louangvannasy FG 2,904 06.4 2 others 640 01.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 45,196 43,266 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3RD CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Millau) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 71,920 71,907 Votes cast: 47,652 66.3 48,096 66.9 Invalid votes: 1,119 02.4 1,832 03.8 Valid votes: 46,533 97.6 46,264 96.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Alain MARC * UMP 17,756 38.2 24,962 54.0 Marie-Claude Fayard FN 3,945 08.5 Jean-Luc Pouget FG 2,691 05.8 Marie-Thérèse Foulquier EEV 10,138 21.8 21,302 46.0 Béatrice Marre 7,213 15.5 6 others 4,790 10.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 46,533 46,264 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Marre was an independent of the left. GERS ==================================================================== 1ST CIRCONSCRIPTION (Auch) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 73,647 Votes cast: 46,377 63.0 Invalid votes: 1,209 02.6 Valid votes: 45,168 97.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Philippe Le Goanvic EEV 1,642 03.6 Maryse Dellac FG 2,556 05.7 Douce De Franclieu UMP 9,453 20.9 Marcelle Girot FN 4,424 09.8 Eliane Crepel MoDem 1,004 02.2 Philippe MARTIN * PS 23,651 52.4 5 others 2,438 05.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 45,168 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2ND CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Condom) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 70,161 70,130 Votes cast: 45,619 65.0 43,949 62.7 Invalid votes: 925 02.0 1,952 04.4 Valid votes: 44,694 98.0 41,997 95.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Michel Gabas PR 5,824 13.0 Françoise Dubos EEV 1,606 03.6 Gisèle BIEMOURET * PS 19,026 42.6 24,937 59.4 Gérard Dubrac UMP 9,311 20.8 17,060 40.6 Thierry Umber FN 4,713 10.6 Bruno Gabriel FG 2,545 05.7 4 others 1,669 03.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 44,694 41,997 -------------------------------------------------------------------- HAUTE-GARONNE ==================================================================== 1ST CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Blagnac, Toulouse IV, V, XIII, XIV) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 76,439 76,430 Votes cast: 43,461 56.9 40,329 52.8 Invalid votes: 466 01.1 1,074 02.7 Valid votes: 42,995 98.9 39,255 97.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pierre Lacaze FG 3,872 09.0 Jean-Jacques Bolzan PR 1,369 03.2 Sacha Briand UMP 10,037 23.3 13,837 35.2 Marie-Pierre Cassagne EEV 2,790 06.5 Catherine LEMORTON * PS 18,759 43.6 25,418 64.8 Bernard Schwal FN 4,281 10.0 11 others 1,887 04.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 42,995 39,255 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2ND CIRCUMSCRIPTION (L’Union, Toulouse VI, VII, XV) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 94,408 94,420 Votes cast: 55,279 58.6 50,975 54.0 Invalid votes: 712 01.3 1,641 03.2 Valid votes: 54,567 98.7 49,334 96.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Nicolas Bonleux UMP 11,803 21.6 17,309 35.1 Séverine Cavin FN 6,799 12.5 Gérard BAPT * PS 25,308 46.4 32,025 64.9 Charles Marziani FG 4,290 07.9 Cécile Peguin EEV 2,427 04.5 10 others 3,940 07.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 54,567 49,334 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3RD CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Balma, Toulouse II, VIII, IX) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 73,131 73,122 Votes cast: 45,644 62.4 44,147 60.4 Invalid votes: 399 00.9 1,194 02.7 Valid votes: 45,245 99.1 42,953 97.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Alain Fillola 9,664 21.4 Jean-Luc MOUDENC + UMP 15,901 35.1 21,653 50.4 Sandrine Cabioch FN 3,534 07.8 François Simon EEV 10,064 22.2 21,300 49.6 Laurence Massat Guiraud-Chaumeil PR 1,462 03.2 Martine Croquette FG 2,905 06.4 7 others 1,715 03.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 45,245 42,953 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Fillola was an independent of the left. This circumscription was won by the PS in 2007, but on the new boundaries it would probably have been won by the UMP. 4TH CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Toulouse I, III, XII) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 66,108 66,103 Votes cast: 35,238 53.3 32,899 49.8 Invalid votes: 355 01.0 961 02.9 Valid votes: 34,883 99.0 31,938 97.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sabrina Bazouin FN 3,112 08.9 Monique Durrieu FG 3,316 09.5 Régis Godec EEV 2,764 07.9 Bertrand Serp UMP 7,419 21.3 10,887 34.1 Martine MARTINEL * PS 14,696 42.1 21,051 65.9 11 others 3,576 10.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 34,883 31,938 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5TH CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Aussonne, Castelginest) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 90,353 90,350 Votes cast: 54,931 60.8 50,912 56.4 Invalid votes: 834 01.5 1,936 03.8 Valid votes: 54,097 98.5 48,976 96.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Françoise IMBERT * PS 24,129 44.6 30,076 61.4 Grégoire Carneiro UMP 13,371 24.7 18,900 38.6 Guy Jovelin FN 8,935 16.5 Monique Marconis FG 3,422 06.3 Raphaël Quessada PR 1,202 02.2 8 others 3,038 05.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 54,097 48,976 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6TH CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Colomiers) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 103,296 103,286 Votes cast: 62,938 60.9 57,964 56.1 Invalid votes: 976 01.5 2,361 04.1 Valid votes: 61,962 98.5 55,603 95.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rémi Vincent FG 3,797 06.1 Michèle Pellizzon FN 8,452 13.6 Jocelyne Vidal UMP 12,828 20.7 19,182 34.5 Marthe Marti MoDem 1,995 03.2 Monique IBORRA * PS 27,853 45.0 36,421 65.5 Alain Refalo EEV 4,376 07.1 7 others 2,661 04.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 61,962 55,603 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7TH CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Muret) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 92,519 92,509 Votes cast: 56,577 61.2 52,819 57.1 Invalid votes: 919 01.6 2,006 03.8 Valid votes: 55,658 98.4 50,813 96.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Valade EEV 2,688 04.8 Corinne Viansson-Ponte UMP 11,866 21.3 18,485 36.4 Serge Laroze FN 9,825 17.7 Patrick LEMASLE * PS 25,116 45.1 32,328 63.6 Danielle Tensa FG 4,333 07.8 4 others 1,830 03.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 55,658 50,813 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8TH CIRCONSCRIPTION (Saint-Gaudens) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 84,888 Votes cast: 52,193 61.5 Invalid votes: 1,141 02.2 Valid votes: 51,052 97.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Carole DELGA + PS 26,351 51.6 Nadine Voloscenko FN 6,288 12.3 Michèle Constan EEV 1,436 02.8 Martine Rieu-Griffe UMP 9,348 18.3 Patrick Boube FG 5,144 10.1 5 others 2,485 04.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 51,052 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9TH CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Portet-sur-Garonne, Toulouse X, XI) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 76,393 76,388 Votes cast: 43,084 56.4 40,366 52.8 Invalid votes: 584 01.4 1,876 04.7 Valid votes: 42,500 98.6 38,490 95.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Théo Buras FN 5,086 12.0 Christophe BORGEL + PS 12,697 29.9 24,901 64.7 Jean-Marc Bares FG 3,953 09.3 Elisabeth Pouchelon UMP 8,789 20.7 13,589 35.3 Christine Arrighi EEV 2,651 06.2 Thierry Cotelle 6,394 15.0 Eric Gautier MoDem 1,506 03.5 6 others 1,424 03.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 42,500 38,490 -------------------------------------------------------------------- This was a new circumscription. Cotelle was an independent of the left. 10TH CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Saint-Orens-de-Gameville) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 88,459 88,443 Votes cast: 59,470 67.2 56,584 64.0 Invalid votes: 831 01.4 3,103 05.5 Valid votes: 58,639 98.6 53,481 94.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kader ARIF + PS 18,084 30.8 30,901 57.8 Marie Lopau FN 6,057 10.3 Dominique Faure PR 14,314 24.4 22,580 42.2 Jean-Pierre Albouy NC 1,517 02.6 Gilbert Hebrard 9,395 16.0 Christian Picquet FG 3,660 06.2 Didier Rod EEV 3,022 05.2 8 others 2,590 04.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 58,639 53,481 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hebrard was an independent of the left. This was a new circumscription. HAUTES-PYRÉNÉES ==================================================================== 1ST CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Lourdes, Tarbes Sud) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 88,400 88,431 Votes cast: 53,758 60.8 52,140 59.0 Invalid votes: 1,040 01.9 2,204 04.2 Valid votes: 52,718 98.1 49,936 95.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Jean GLAVANY * PS 25,163 47.7 33,413 66.9 Claude Martin FG 5,727 10.9 Jean-Marc Luce EEV 2,029 03.9 Gérard Tremege PR 13,864 26.3 16,523 33.1 Denis Tajan MoDem 1,116 02.1 Alexandre Goessens FN 3,852 07.3 3 others 967 01.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 52,718 49,936 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Glavany was elected for the abolished 3rd circumscription in 2007. 2ND CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Bagnères-de-Bigorre, Tarbes Nord) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 88,978 88,975 Votes cast: 54,427 61.2 52,414 58.9 Invalid votes: 1,098 02.0 2,363 04.5 Valid votes: 53,329 98.0 50,051 95.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeanine DUBIE + PRG 22,732 42.6 32,403 64.7 Philippe Manusset FN 5,659 10.6 Marie-Laure Bondon EEV 1,426 02.7 Jean-Pierre Artiganave UMP 13,720 25.7 17,648 35.3 Marie-Pierre Vieu FG 6,735 12.6 Jean-Pierre Auguet MoDem 1,309 02.5 5 others 1,748 03.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 53,329 50,051 -------------------------------------------------------------------- LOT ==================================================================== 1ST CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Cahors) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 70,184 70,187 Votes cast: 45,504 64.8 45,010 64.1 Invalid votes: 824 01.8 1,821 04.1 Valid votes: 44,680 98.2 43,189 95.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Elizabeth Lapierre FN 2,867 06.4 Aurelien Pradie UMP 11,321 25.3 17,342 40.15 Dominique ORLIAC * PRG 18,560 41.5 25,847 59.85 Serge Laybros FG 4,328 09.7 Charlotte Wojcik MoDem 870 02.0 Michel Roumegoux 2,908 06.5 Francesco Testa EEV 1,982 04.4 4 others 1,844 04.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 44,680 43,189 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Roumegoux was a candidate of the Alliance of the Centre. 2ND CIRCONSCRIPTION (Figeac) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 64,982 Votes cast: 42,485 65.4 Invalid votes: 1,119 02.6 Valid votes: 41,366 97.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Florence Gaudefroy-Demombynes EEV 1,564 03.8 Bernadette Baloche FG 3,264 07.9 Julia Plane FN 4,084 09.9 Ellen Dausse PR 8,449 20.4 Jean LAUNAY * PS 21,824 52.8 Jean-Claude Tassain MoDem 1,484 03.6 4 others 697 01.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 41,366 -------------------------------------------------------------------- TARN ==================================================================== 1ST CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Castres Est, Albi Sud) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 83,084 83,057 Votes cast: 54,095 65.1 52,260 62.9 Invalid votes: 929 01.7 2,732 05.2 Valid votes: 53,166 98.3 49,528 94.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard Amalvy UMP 8,414 15.8 Frédéric Cabrolier FN 7,019 13.2 Gérard Poujade PS 18,985 35.7 24,372 49.2 Benoist Couliou EEV 1,767 03.3 Philippe FOLLIOT * 13,090 24.6 25,156 50.8 Géraldine Rouquette FG 3,267 06.1 3 others 624 01.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 53,166 49,528 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Folliot was a candidate of the Alliance of the Centre. He was elected for the 3rd circumscription for the NC in 2007. 2ND CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Gaillac, Albi Nord) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 102,423 102,421 Votes cast: 64,853 63.3 62,772 61.3 Invalid votes: 1,575 02.4 4,342 06.9 Valid votes: 63,278 97.6 58,430 93.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Marie-Christine Boutonnet FN 11,041 17.5 19,461 33.3 Jacques VALAX * PS 29,407 46.5 38,969 66.7 André Boudes FG 5,238 08.3 Catherine Manuel EEV 2,453 03.9 Henri Del Rey 10,217 16.2 9 others 4,922 07.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 63,278 58,430 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Valax elected for the 1st circumscription in 2007. Del Rey was an independent of the right. 3RD CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Castres Ouest, Lavaur) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 98,454 98,450 Votes cast: 64,727 65.7 63,880 64.9 Invalid votes: 1,161 01.8 2,449 03.8 Valid votes: 63,566 98.2 61,431 96.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Didier Houlès 8,816 13.9 Jean-Paul Piloz FN 8,530 13.4 Linda GOURJADE PS 15,353 24.2 30,867 50.3 Bernard Carayon + UMP 21,274 33.5 30,564 49.8 Francine Ricouart EEV 1,347 02.1 Philippe Guerineau FG 3,792 06.0 6 others 4,454 07.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 63,566 61,431 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Houlès was an independent of the left. TARN-ET-GARONNE ==================================================================== 1ST CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Montauban) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 86,113 86,112 Votes cast: 55,018 63.9 56,045 65.1 Invalid votes: 944 01.7 1,934 03.5 Valid votes: 54,074 98.3 54,111 96.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Thierry Faget MoDem 1,071 02.0 Thierry Viallon FN 7,814 14.5 Valérie RABAULT PS 20,657 38.2 29,270 54.1 Marie-Claude Bouyssi FG 3,333 06.2 Jean-Jacques Boyer EEV 1,512 02.8 Brigitte Bareges * UMP 17,716 32.8 24,841 45.9 5 others 1,971 03.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 54,074 54,111 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2ND CIRCUMSCRIPTION (Castelsarrasin) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 89,296 89,289 Votes cast: 55,596 62.3 54,699 61.3 Invalid votes: 1,167 02.1 3,837 07.0 Valid votes: 54,429 97.9 50,862 93.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- First round Second round -------------------------------------------------------------------- Marie-Claude Dulac FN 10,457 19.2 20,417 40.1 Maximilien Reynes-Dupleix FG 2,978 05.5 Philippe De Vergnette UMP 9,462 17.4 Jacques Briat 4,560 08.4 Sylvia PINEL * PRG 22,887 42.1 30,445 59.9 Joëlle Simonet EEV 1,909 03.5 6 others 2,176 04.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 54,429 50,862 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Briat was an independent of the right.