REPUBLIC OF FINLAND PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS OF 14 APRIL 2019 ===================================================================== Elections to the Eduskunta (Parliament) Source: Finnish Statistical Office website Parties --------------------------------------------------------------------- * FA - For Åland (For Aaland) * KD - Kristillisdemokraatit (Christian Democrats) * Kesk - Suomen Keskusta (Finnish Centre Party) * Kok - Kansallinen Kokoomus (National Rally) * LN - (Movement Now) * PS - Perussuomalaiset (True Finns Party) * RKP/SFP - Ruotsalainen Kansanpuolue / Svenska Folkpartiet i Finland (Swedish People's Party) * SD - Suomen Sosialidemokraatinen Puolue (Finnish Social Democratic Party) * Vas - Vasemmistoliitto (Left Wing Alliance) * Vihr - Vihrea Liitto (The Green Party) NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ===================================================================== Voters: 4,510,040 Votes cast: 3,099,760 68.7 -01.4 Invalid votes: 17,844 00.6 +00.1 Valid votes: 3,081,196 99.4 -00.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Change Seats --------------------------------------------------------------------- Centre Party (Kesk) 423,920 13.9 -07.2 31 -18 National Rally (Kok) 523,957 17.2 -01.0 38 +01 True Finns (PS) 538,805 17.7 00.0 39 +01 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Total government coalition 1,486,682 48.8 -08.2 108 -16 --------------------------------------------------------------------- For Aaland (FA) 11,640 00.4 00.0 1 Christian Democrats (KD) 120,144 03.9 +00.4 5 Movement Now (LN) 69,427 02.3 1 +01 Swedish People's (RKP/SFP) 139,640 04.6 -00.3 9 Social Democrats (SD) 546,471 17.9 +01.4 40 +06 Left Alliance (Vas) 251,808 08.3 +01.2 16 +04 Green Party (Vihr) 354,194 11.6 +03.1 20 +05 Others 101,910 03.3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,081,916 200 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Although the government coalition retained its majority, the heavy losses sustained by the Centre Party caused the resignation of the Cabinet. The Centre Party and the National Rally were not willing to enter a government headed by the True Finns, now the largest party on the right. A new centre-left government was then formed by the Social Democrats, Greens, Left Alliance, Centre Party and Swedish People's Party.