REPUBLIC OF FINLAND PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS OF 19 APRIL 2015 ===================================================================== Elections to the Eduskunta (Parliament) Source: Finnish Statistical Office website Parties --------------------------------------------------------------------- * KD - Kristillisdemokraatit (Christian Democrats) * Kesk - Suomen Keskusta (Finnish Centre Party) * Kok - Kansallinen Kokoomus (National Rally) * PS - Perussuomalaiset (True Finns Party) * RKP/SFP - Ruotsalainen Kansanpuolue / Svenska Folkpartiet i Finland (Swedish People's Party) * SD - Suomen Sosialidemokraatinen Puolue (Finnish Social Democratic Party) * Vas - Vasemmistoliitto (Left Wing Alliance) * Vihr - Vihrea Liitto (The Green Party) NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ===================================================================== Voters: 4,221,237 * Votes cast: 2,959,488 70.1 Invalid votes: 15,397 00.5 Valid votes: 2,944,091 99.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Change Seats --------------------------------------------------------------------- National Rally (Kok) 540,212 18.2 -01.2 37 -07 Social Democrats (SD) 490,102 16.5 -02.6 34 -08 Swedish People's (RKP/SFP) 144,802 04.9 +00.6 9 Christian Democrats (KD) 105,134 03.5 -00.5 5 -01 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Total government coalition 1,280,250 43.5 -03.7 85 -16 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Centre Party (Kesk) 626,218 21.1 +05.3 49 +14 True Finns (PS) 524,054 17.7 -01.3 38 -01 Green Party (Vihr) 253,102 08.5 +01.3 15 +05 Left Alliance (Vas) 211,702 07.1 -01.0 12 -02 Others 48,765 01.7 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,944,091 200 --------------------------------------------------------------------- * This number excludes Finns living abroad who were entitled to vote.